three kingdoms redux

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1. zhugeliang,

Three Kingdoms Redux is a strategy-based board game about the Three Kingdoms period (189-280) in China.
I think the biggest deficiency in the game room is that there are not enough games like this with historical content.
There are no games with history content other than Citadels.
In fact, the number of board games is not large enough.
As a result, introducing board games such as Three Kingdoms Redux into the game room will not only increase diversity but also open new horizons for people.
Most likely, like Stratego and mangala I made years ago, this request will remain just a request, but at least I wanted to write it.
I also have great respect for the efforts you put into the playroom.
However, I think it would be good to expand your team in order to increase the number of games in the game room and to be able to consistently implement the demands.

Score: +1

2. dhegwork-adakly,

What is the historical content that you see in Citadels? Regarding this game you suggest, it would be better if you provided a link or a description of what exactly it is and what its rules are. I searched the internet and it was not clear to me how it would be played, although from what I saw I doubt it will be implemented. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.

Score: +0

3. Aminiel,


Please post a link to the rules of that game, otherwise you can be sure that it will never be considered.

Citadels has no historical content at all, i.e. nothing is taken from historical facts or knowledge. But I think he rather means medieval-fantastic ambiance, in which case it would be correct.

Score: +0

4. zhugeliang,

I cited Citadels as an example not because it was prepared for a historical event, but because, as Aminiel said, its content belongs to the fantastic medieval period.
As for the rules of the game, there is a full and accessible official PDF, including the main rules, but the generals' Leadership, Administration and Combat abilities are not specified as they are written on the general cards in the board game.
If there is e
nough interest, I can compile these and send a full rule text.
Thank you.

Score: +0

5. StormProductions,

Well you can do that. Obviously the developer can't just make a game without having access to the full rules first.

Score: +0

6. Aminiel,


Maybe I don't need the full scan of all cards to know if we can go further, but I still need complete rules, maybe a description of the board if it isn't explained in the rules, and at least most of the typical cards. I need to know precisely enough what the game can look like. Then if we continue, obviously a full scan of everything will be necessary.

IN any case, I can't say if I'm interested or not, if it's feasible or not, only based on the name of the game, and this isn't my role to search the Internet or ask Chat GPT. I need exact information to be able to say if it's implementable on the playroom and potentially interesting.

Score: +0

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