Suggesting a latin board for Monopoly

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1. Exink,


I think what I'm about to ask for could look like to be something weird, anyway I want to do so.

Some people have asked by a long time ago about adding latin boards in this awesome game. For example, you'd add a board with some countries or cities from LatinAmerica, such as Argentina, Brasil, Mexico, Venezuela, etc. So there could be more to choose from.

Now, if you think there are many cities in all those nations, you could start from scratch using a Spain board which contains less cities. This is more straightforward, because besides of that, the spain currency is the euro like in the european board and you shouldn't worry about using the dollar or another currency.

Then, if there's a turkish board, a swiss board, and a french board, why couldn't there a spanish one? Thanks a lot!

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2. Aminiel,

Of course there could be. You can send to us :

  • The name of the board
  • The name of the currency used
  • The multiplication factor of the currency
  • The list of all squares in the board, in order, and indicating clearly their type and/or color in english, i.e. orange/red/yellow/etc. or chance/community chest square/etc. You don't need to indicate the prices as they are automatically defined.
  • Please use country, cities or streets that effectively exists. Fantasy or theme boards aren't allowed.
  • The board can be whether 40 or 60 squares long (standard or extended size), but nothing else; similarely, there must be exactly 8 or 12 property colors.

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Dernière édition par Aminiel, 25.10.2015 22:40

3. Exink,

Really many thanks for your answer; I'll collect as many information as needed.

By the way, what do you mean by the "multiplication factor"? Is it the cantity to multiply all the money, I.E: per 1000 or by 1000 000? For example, to show a property wort $2 000 000 instead of $200?

Should I send that information to the contact page or instead to the forum?

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Dernière édition par Exink, 26.10.2015 03:52

4. out_and_about ,

Sorry to spoil the party, but i thing there is a proble regarding that. Unlike europe, not all american countries have the same carrency. For example: There are lots of countries wich uses "peso", as a carrency, but not all the "pesos" have the same value. That's why we talk about the argentinian peso or the mexican peso. And some other countries have completely diferent mane for the carrency. That is the case of Venezuela and Perú, for instans.

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5. Exink,

That can be easily fixed; we can use the same simbol that is also in the tuelve nations board since all those countries haven't a common currency, too.

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6. Aminiel,

You can use dollars or euros as common currency, or use the generic symbol ¤, as it is on the 12 nations super board.

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7. CathyAnne,

Well, there needs to be a variety of different boards to choose from. I have no issue with a Lattin board. By the way, what is the symbol on the Super BOard of Twelve nations calls?
Also, make it so you can create your own custom tokens, please. I don't like how this server decides your token for you.
Great job, Aminuel for being the main administrator.

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8. YNWA,

You don't need tokens and I am happy with things the way they are on that point.

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9. Exink,

In fact, the board is almost done to be sent to the administrators, but now the only problem is to find some public services and stations for it, however we're making an effort to fill those things. And efectively, since there's not a common currency for all these countries, we have decided to use the general simbol like in the super tuelve nations board.

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10. LaraStardust,

what about using the credit. So x costs y amount of credits.

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11. Exink,

Certainly I think it'll change all the aesthetic of the game, so maybe it won't work.

Score: +0

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