
2 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Retour à la liste des sujets

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1. john,

No way to donate no link for that.
Can you instrment the baseball game by Jim Kitchen to be played on line, can you use a voice chat for those who will be willing to pay a fee?

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,

For donation, click on the paypal button present in the home page.

For your game suggestion: the gameroom hasn't been made for action or sport games. The server has clearly not been designed for that purpose. Or if it is a card, board or a kind of turn-based game, please explain so that I can have a look myself.

For voice chat, the server I have isn't powerful enough, and there are already many voice chat servers available out there. Use skype, it works very well.

Score: +0

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