navigating the forum

2 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Retour à la liste des sujets

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1. TwinkleRose,

I'm trying to look through things, and don't understand why when I click next page, it takes me all the way back to the beginning of the forum. Also when I click next page, it seems like it takes me to the end of the page. I have to keep going up to find the very beginning. When I find a topic that looks interesting, I click it but then when it says go back, it's like it takes me all the way back to the beginning again. It's also weird. Sometimes it gives me the option to start a new discussion at the end of the page, and sometimes it doesn't. It's really confusing. I could be the only one having these problems, but I wanted to point it out and bring it to your attention, in case there's a way to fix it and/or I'm not alone.

Score: +0

2. Snake_Eyes,

Regarding your last question, the option to start a new discussion doesn't show up in the Information and Announcements category, as that is only open to administrators and moderators, and when you are in recent topics because it's not a forum category. From anywhere else you should see this option at the bottom, or you can just press Control +N. Next page shouldn't take you to the very beginning, but move you to the next page with the older posts. But if you click on a topic and then go back, unfortunately you really are thrown back to the first page, so I recommend using a web browser to browse the forum faster.

Score: +0

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