disable sound effects checkbox has disappeared...

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1. godfather,

I was looking around the qc menu, and realised that the "disable sound effects" menu option is no longer in audio settings, and neither could I find it anywhere else. Is this intentional, a bug or am I just missing something here?
Update, selecting "No output" from the audio output menu can be one solution to this I suppose, however upon doing so a restart of pr is required which I am not sure whether is intentional since I have not switched to another audio device or something, but the other thing I observed in this case is if you change the output … in my case no audio output, until and unless you restart pr, your sounds are super buggy in the sense that whether you try to turn up or down the sound volume, switch back to the other output device, nothing works at all. Even if you were to turn down the volume the effect is observed after the restart. In addition, even if you turn up or sown the sounds through f7 and f8, the sound category doesn't seem to involve all the sound effects such as table chat, join, leave sounds etc, and only incumpusses game sounds. Is this intentional? Sorry for the ramble, just a few of my observations while messing around with pr today and thought they were all wirth a heads-up.

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Dernière édition par godfather, 03.08.2022 09:31

2. Nikola,

I think the reason you noticed that only game sounds are disable and not chat/table sounds is because you disabled audio output only for sounds, but not for notifications, which is a separate category.
If you disable audio output for both, you should definitely have no sounds. It seems to work for me without having to restart the Playroom...

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3. godfather,

Strange, for me effects take place only once pr is restarted. Hmm.

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