Is the forum search broken?

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Score: +3

1. Moriarty,

is it just me, or is the forum search broken?
I type in something, say Hello, and confirm. I get the following URL:
saying "This page doesn't exist."

I feel this used to work, but now i can't for some reason get it to. Is it some global issue, or am I doing something wrong?

Score: +1

2. Nikola,

just to confirm that the issue is not on your side/you are not doing anything wrong.

A while ago, the search feature was disabled due to a security issue, and it was never re-enabled again.
It was anyway not very good. If you use Google, you should be able to get much better result.
Just write query followed by and you should get the results. They may sometimes lead you to the Playroom website in another language, but it shouldn't matter too much.

Score: +3

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