a strange forum glitch

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1. Nikola,

I don't know if you have noticed, but there is a very strange glitch on the English forum going on right now.

It probably started after the reboot, but I wasn't here at that time so I can't definitely confirm.
In the recent topics, it says right now that the latest post is in the topic "New forum feature: polls" by me, and that this post is from 2 minutes ago.
However, I haven't posted anything here since my latest message, and indeed if we open the topic and look at my latest message, it is from thursday 01:10.

This message keeps going to the top of the list somehow, and after about an hour or so, it again resets and says that I posted the message 0 minutes ago.

Do you have any idea how this happened? I haven't done anything special with that message, not even edited it.


Score: +1

2. Quintin-Dziadkiewicz,

The timer resets when someone votes on the pole if I'm not mistaken.

Score: +2

3. Nikola,

Thank you, you are completely right. In that case it may be intentional for a topic to go to the top when somebody votes, not sure about that.

Score: +1

Dernière édition par Nikola, 02.01.2023 18:16

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