In these last days I saw something strange...

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1. NovaLenada ,

Well, this is a bug, that I saw two times already, first, I saw one person in a table of scopa, but after one day, that table was available, and after two, and three. then, I pressed ctrl u, to see if that person was online, but no, he wasn't... and, when he entered, he was playing another game, he wasn't in that scopa table... I said to zorvax, and Zorvax fixed it, but now, here is a table of yahtzee, and is exactly the same problem, but with different user, It can be confusing for a lot of people who wants to play, and then joins and noone is there... I reported this bug with Zorvax, and with Mayya, and noone fixed it...

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2. Riad,

Hey, the same thing is back again, with a ninety-nine table for a person called EvenStar, who is not present anywhere, in all the languages of the playroom. Seems like that's a bug with the client or something.

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3. LaraStardust,

I'm just wondering, s it where people create tables, and disconnect.
I mean, they go out of the playroom on the friends list, but perhaps it doesnt shut the table

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4. NovaLenada ,

I rescued the last table of yahtzee, well, not at all. I found that person online, and I said to him, I needed he joins to his own table, then he did, and the problem was fixed, because in the table wasn't two users with the same name, just him, and when he left, the table disappeared. But not all the time we will say to the users that we need they join to their own table, it is a bug of playroom and it should be solved

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5. Exink,

You mean that if you try to join to one table which is left, this after appears like "unavailable"? For example, if you see to a person who creates a table, and you decide to join him/her, and you notice that the table doesn't exist anymore? At least if this is not the case, it happens me sometimes. Another thing that I've noticed is that if you see an available table, but if you joing it this is a busy table. Maybe this is a sinchronisation bug, so I believe there's nothing to do regarding that.

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Dernière édition par Exink, 19.06.2015 02:51

6. MuhammadHajjar,

A funny question: how if the stuck player him/herself joined his/her table? does he/she going to see him/herself and will be 2 of that player in the same table? or he/she'll be considered as a real player sence he/she is he/she to take that thing's place, his/her shado, I mean ghost, I mean ... oh. Lol.
Ah sorry, didn't read Diana's post. Another lol.

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Dernière édition par MuhammadHajjar, 19.06.2015 04:30

7. NovaLenada ,

lol no, when the person joins to his/her own table, the other one disappears, and no, I don't mean that about join and the table is not available, I mean the table is available, but the table master is not online, in any language. Not absent, no no, is not online.

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8. gaurasuryavanshi,

strange. yes this problem must be solved. it may be confusing for a lot of people.

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9. Aminiel,

This strange table, what kind of table is it ?

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10. The-white-dove,

block quote
This strange table, what kind of table is it ?
block quote end

Sometimes when a player leaves the playroom or is suddenly disconnected being at a game table, the latter doesn't disappear but remains there available and can stay like that for a very long time, and here i mean 1,2 and even 3 days. The last one for example, was a table of ninety-nine with EvenStar that was available for over 1 day, but when checking the online users lists the table master was nowhere found!

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Dernière édition par The-white-dove, 20.06.2015 01:38

11. Exink,

Oh, I understand everything. You mean like a gost table? Hmm. I haven't seen anything like that before.

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12. NovaLenada ,

exactly like that, and yeah i saw it three times already

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13. Popoluska ,

I can agree with the friends. I saw it also. I wanted to join game and noone was here, but there was written that this person is there in the table, but not in the list of actually connected players. It was very confused, but i told myself, that maybe when someone is in the table or somewhere in playroom and holding very long time one key, playroom will close itself, thus his account is like opened, but um, how to say, like shadow rofl. if you understand.

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14. wolfi,

and today it happened with diana, we were 3 people in a scopa game, but she left before the game starts and when I started the game it says 3 players are in the table, and diana had the cards even when she was out of the table. lol

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15. The-white-dove,

Dear admin

The same thing is happening again. There is a Monopoly table of a player called Dm319 available for 9 days. The first time I have noticed it yesterday while checking the list of available games but today, seing it is still there I have joined to see what's wrong. Below is the information about this table:
Duration of game in progress: 9d5h44m11s

Note that the user Dm319 is currently online but busy in a game of 1000 miles.



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16. Aminiel,

The table just mentionned has been shut down.
This is quite strange that the person hasn't been automatically disconnected sooner.

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17. The-white-dove,

Dear admin

We have another table now that needs to be shut down, otherwise it may stay available for 9 days, like the previous one.

It is a table of cribbbage for a player called Spencer. The table master is offline and the table is available for over 12 hours.



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Dernière édition par The-white-dove, 06.08.2015 18:30

18. Exink,

yes, I have seen it by first time and when I checked the time it was: Duration of game in progress: 17h16m13s. It's still here.

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19. NovaLenada ,

Duration of game in progress: 1d6h20m17s. And It is still here, I am just to see that person online to ask if he can enter, and of this way the table will be deleted. But, nothing.

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20. The-white-dove,

@diana He was online yesterday and I have asked him to do that,but got no reply.

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21. LaraStardust,

what about a timer feature that says if the table is available for more than an hour it automatically gets shut down

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22. NovaLenada ,

Same like the other table, the monopoly one, i was sending pm's and i didn't get an answer, but aminiel deleted that one i think.
Hey man, that is actually a good idea! but it should be just for some tables... For example it shouldn't be added to free tables, or just if they are public and the table master is absent... and alone, idk. but could be good if it is concidered.

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23. Exink,

Of course it would be only for game tables since there isn't any information about the time in free tables. I support this idea too!

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24. MuhammadHajjar,

Hey: but how if the game really progressed more than hour, such a monopoly game or so can be up to a long time, will it interrupt the game if this feature is available, it'll do so for sure, unless if the feature itself discovers whether the game is in progress or not.

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25. wolfi,

and same to chess.

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26. Exink,

Obviously the timer would be activated if it detects an opened game without activity, not to a game in progress.

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27. NovaLenada ,

Exactly. I think that's obvious thing. And it actually could be usefull.

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28. LaraStardust,

yes i am thinking the timer would be triggered by the game being available, not in progress

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29. NovaLenada ,

But what about if the game is in progress, with bots?

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30. Exink,

Well, what do you mean with that? I can sai that it would be a crazy thing to have a game in progres with only bots by an hour, or instead an opened game with only bots by the same time period.

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