Multiple invitations notification change

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Score: +2

1. lucy_light,

So I randomly pressed twice on a person, meaning that I was trying to reproduce a double invitation error message. I was surprised to notice that, instead of telling me that I cannot invite soeone twice, the platform gave me the classic limit message about the number of people you can invite at once.
Do you think this should be different, made clearer or something?
Thanks in advance!

Score: +0

2. Nikola,

even though it is probably low priority, I always support making strings or error messages completely clear and obvious, so yes, a different string should have probably been used for this.

I guess this is even less clear if you rather received the table master from someone else who already invited some people, then you don't know for real if 4 people have been invited, or you just attempted to double-invite the same person. Of course it is very easy to figure out, but resolving that ambiguity is certainly better for beginners.

Score: +2

3. lucy_light,

Thanks for the feedback!

Score: +0

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