still not able to connect!

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1. italiano86 ,

hi people from quentin c,

it's me once again. i am posting here for one more time, because i still have problems to connect with the new playroom client. i even formatted my whole system in order to clean the whole registry and delete each data from the machine, and then i tried to connect again, but no success. i even tried turning off my firewall and antivirus while connecting, in order to contemplate the possibility that the problem was in the firewall, and nothing worked. i added an exception in the firewall so that the playroom could pass freely through the firewall, and the problem continued.
the thing is, that it remains in the connecting process, but does not advance, and 3 minutes later after trying to connect, it just displays an error message.
what do you think could be the matter? do i miss any important component or system configuration that the new client requires?

please, help me in this sense, because i am really looking forward to try this new playroom!

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Dernière édition par italiano86 , 12.03.2013 10:41

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