Aminiel, are you still around? Still cant connect

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1. palas,

In the other post I said that for some reazon client here is trying to connect to instead of and, of course, was failiing.
I managed to point to the same address of ( .. via hosts and alas, it could find the server successfully. It keeps ringing for ever and not connecting, but now the error seen to habve changed. Aparently its failing before getting the chalenge question.
I know that this service isnt paid, however its just frustrating tto have to reverse engineer something because of pure lack of support. Agaim, log below and if you could please verify I would be grateful.

Loading config...
Loading language...
Creating worker thread...
Initializing UniversalSpeech...
Speech engine selected: #0
Speech initialized OK
Initializing bass...
Loading bass plugins...
Configuring bass...
Listing bass devices...
Init bass device #1 [Áudio Bluetooth ]
Bass initialized OK
INitializing GUI...
Initializing extended controls...
Initializing RichText control...
Creating GUI...
GUI created OK
Entering connection dialog
INitializing connection dialog
Connection dialog Ok
Exiting connection dialog
Entering app main loop
Connecting to
Connection successful
Login: palas, language: en
Connection lost before challenge question
Connecting to
Connection successful
Login: palas, language: en
Connection lost before challenge question
Connecting to
Connection successful
Login: palas, language: en
Connection lost before challenge question
Exiting app main loop
Saving config...
Connection closed !
Closing BASS...

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,

No, is correct and is not at the same place as The website is at but the playroom server is effectively at Remove it from the host file, try again, and if you still can't connect, give again the contents of the debug.txt and the error message you may get after 2 or 3 minutes.

The IP address you have set in your host file still hosts the v1 for those that still don't have upgraded, but it will soon no longer be true.

Score: +0

3. italiano86 ,

same thing happens to me. actually i don't know how to check this thing about the host files, but i will post here the error message i get each time i try to connect. i am also in this trouble and i still can't connect because of that.

Unable to connect to the server. Server is unreachable. This problem can be caused by several different factors that we invite you to check: * You may have problems with your Internet connection; * Your anti-virus and firewalls may not allow the connection to the server; * The server may be temporarily unavailable due to a technical problem or a monitoring operation.
i checked all of these points, and, nothing changed.

Score: +0

Dernière édition par italiano86 , 24.03.2013 09:30

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