General game statistics bug

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1. Jeff-Rutkowski,

When I view any of the general game statistics, I get the following message near the top of the listing.
Notice: Undefined index: it in /home/web/QCSalon/ on line 101 Notice: Undefined index: es in /home/web/QCSalon/ on line 101
Can you fix this Quentin?

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,


Thank you for the report, it will be fixed when the next update to the website is done. It will probably be for mid or end august, unfortunately not before, since we are working on a huge and important addition to come.

Score: +0

3. Jeff-Rutkowski,

Sorry to bother you again Quentin but in the screen readers used section of the general statistics under the SAPI5 entry, I get this error.
Notice: Undefined index: 8 in /home/web/QCSalon/ on line 112
Also, in the Jas stats under the games played entry, I get this error.
Warning: Division by zero in /home/web/QCSalon/ on line 39
And in Monopoly under the general game stats, in the "get double salary when exactly on start", on is spelled with two o's.

Score: +0

Dernière édition par Jeff-Rutkowski, 15.07.2013 10:04

4. Aminiel,

OK, allmost all errors should have disappeared now, except one. Thank you for signaling.

Score: +0

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