the most recent bug in rami.

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1. aravis,


the bug i am about to describe is the one that followed fixing of a previous bug that consisted of a game of rami going on forever, when it gets stuck, passing turns from one player to another. this having been fixed, we have another problem: when the game gets stuck some of the players have more, and some have less cards in their hands. and when the game terminates after two ineffective complete turns around the table, the player with the least ammount of cards is declared to have finished the round (which is normal) and gets disconnected. i've seen this behavior twice, one time it happened to me and the other - to a player who joined my game. i think i have a log sufficient enough to prove my words.


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2. Aminiel,

Could you add precisions ? I don't understand really the problem.

When the game become stuck, some player is said to ahve finished the round at random, it's not relevant. However, normally, everybody win/lose points because of their remaining cards.

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3. aravis,

well, the problem i'm trying to describe is when the game gets stuck, the player who finishes the round in this situation gets disconnected and immediately reconnected. i just wonder why it happens that way. this problem is consistent, it comes every time the game gets blocked.

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4. Myszojelen,

Hello. Having played a round of Rummy with Aravis I can definitely confirm the presence of said bug:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start a game of Rummy with the no discarding rule enabled.
  2. Play the game as usual.
  3. Once the game gets stuck because there are no more cards to draw but noone can contribute to any of the melts existing, keep terminating your turn by pressing spacebar. The rest of the players will follow. Carry on for two rounds.
  4. Expected behaviour: the person with the least amount ofcards in hand is the last one to finish, then the round is over and the points are counted.
    What happens instead: the difference is that the person finishing the round is additionally being disconnected from the server for a brief moment and connected successfully again.
    I do also have logs presenting the situation as it is.

I hope my explanation serves well as an addition to what Anastasia said.


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5. Aminiel,

OK, it seems clear now, thank you. I will try to reproduce it, and hope to fix it soon.

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6. aravis,

hello again. i'm awfully sorry if i bothered you again with this, but the bug remains to this day. same behavior mentioned in previous posts. i'll accept any of your replies with understanding, and thanks for your efforts.

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7. Aminiel,

The bug has been identified, but the solution hasn't yet been found. I'll post again when it evolves.

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