Playroom client 3.0 beta

353 messages, 12 pages:  1; 3 45 6 7; 12 ↖ Retour à la liste des sujets

Score: +5

121. Literary,

Please fix friendship related issues. Just to exammin, I sent friend request to myself. It notified me of receiving a friendship request. The receive requests list shows that there is one request pending. When pressed enter, it says, "this list is empty." 1. Before showing the send request button, confirm whether it is one's own account.
2. Before showing the number of counts, make sure there are no bogus requests. 3. Disallow blocking one's own account. Regards

Score: +0

122. Aminiel,

Can you please post the entire game history ?
I can't do anything if I don't have the complete situation.

If you can't for this time, it doesn't matter; think bout it next time there's an error like this.
Thank you.

Score: +1

123. Aminiel,

For those who have issues with letter navigation, unfortunately I can't reproduce it either. It means that as long as I don't have more info, I can't do anything.

Score: +1

124. YNWA,

I sent the game history report in the usual way to the helpers so I am sure they will send it on shortly if they haven't already.

Score: +0

125. spaceship,

I think there is something wrong with the way the chess bots work.
I just beat the 2850 level player which is actually impossible for me!
One of my friends just asked me to play and I was like ok lets see how many moves I survive.
Possible reasons:

  1. Stockfish is not using an opening book. Stockfish needs to have an opening book, but this time it seems it was playing on its own from move one, which is really not a strong point of engines.
  2. Probably it is not using enough of the hardware resources that it should.

Here is the game.

[Event "Online game on QCPlayroom"]
[Site ""]
[Date 2021.04.28"]
[Round "1"]
[White "GoodTimes"]
[Black "Prince of persia"]
[WhiteType "HUMAN"]
[BlackType "PROGRAM"]
[Result "*"]

1. Pd2-d4. Pe7-e6
2. Pe2-e4. Pc7-c6
3. Pc2-c4. Pd7-d5
4. Nb1-c3. Pd5xe4
5. Nc3xe4. Bf8-b4+
6. Ne4-c3. Pe6-e5
7. Ng1-f3. Pe5-e4
8. Nf3-g5. Ng8-f6
9. Bc1-e3. Ph7-h6
10. Ng5-h3. Bc8-g4
11. Bf1-e2. Bg4xh3
12. Pg2xh3. Nb8-d7
13. Qd1-d2. Qd8-a5
14. O-O. O-O
15. Kg1-h1. Rf8-d8
16. Rf1-g1. Kg8-h7
17. Rg1-g3. Bb4xc3
18. Pb2xc3. Nf6-e8
19. Ra1-g1. Nd7-f6
20. Pf2-f3. Nf6-h5
21. Rg3-g4. Nh5-f6
22. Rg4-h4. Qa5-f5
23. Be3xh6. Kh7-g8
24. Rg1-g5. Qf5-h7
25. Bh6xg7. Qh7xh4
26. Bg7xf6+. Kg8-f8
27. Rg5-g8+. Kf8xg8
28. Bf6xh4. Pe4xf3
29. Be2xf3. Rd8-d6
30. Bh4-g3. Rd6-g6
31. Bf3-e4. Ne8-f6
32. Be4xg6. Pf7xg6
33. Qd2-g5. Kg8-f7
34. Bg3-e5. Nf6-e8
35. Qg5-f4+. Kf7-g8
36. Qf4-g4. Kg8-f8
37. Qg4xg6. Pc6-c5
38. Ph3-h4. Pa7-a5
39. Ph4-h5. Ra8-a6
40. Qg6-g5. Pc5xd4
41. Pc3xd4. Ra6-e6
42. Ph5-h6. Re6-e7
43. Qg5-g6. Re7-d7
44. Ph6-h7. Rd7xh7
45. Qg6xh7. Pb7-b5
46. Pc4xb5. Pa5-a4
47. Be5-f4. Ne8-g7
48. Bf4-h6. Pa4-a3
49. Qh7xg7+. Kf8-e8
50. Pb5-b6. Ke8-d8
51. Pb6-b7. Kd8-e8
52. Pb7-b8=Q+.

Score: +0

126. Literary,

Hello, Please fix my account. Whenever I open the playroom, I receive this notification. Welcome to the playroom, version 2.99.37 [25.04.2021]. 148 players are connected at the moment.
You have 1 requests to add to the friends list. I earlier explained what I did and what occured in its response. I've sent friend request to myself, and now I receive a false notification. Thank you.

Score: +0

127. James_Ketchup ,

Doing /add and your username fixes this. Once added, you can remove yourself

Score: +0

128. Aminiel,

Congratulations! Myself I can't even beat the easiest level.
As far as I have understood, I can well specifiy an opening book to use, but Stockfish is supposed to include its own one without the need to specifiy another one.
I may have missed something, but I don't have any separate opening book to use.

If there's one to download freely, I would be happy to take it.
You may also suggest another engine than Stockfish. In theory any engine compatible with UCI protocol can be used.

About external engines, you may also suggest another Go engine compatible with GTP. In both case I took respectively Stockfish and GNU Go because they are free to download and use as far as I know.

Score: +1

129. Nikola,

it's a little strange, but I actually hope you don't fix the friends list bug for 2 reasons.
First, it's useful for quickly looking at your status without opening the online users list, in order to see if it fits the character limit.
Second and more important for me, I use it as a small workaround for a web client bug / limitation. On iOS or Mac, no sound plays until you click something on the page. The problem is that for instance, you may receive a private message, but only activate an option a minute later, and thus you have no idea when that message was received and need to scroll back through the history. What I do here is I keep one request to myself in the list. Thus, as soon as I enter and click any option, Playroom makes the request received sound, and from that point sound playback works as usual. So if you do plan to resolve this, please at least add a sound when a connection is established on the web client, so that a sound is played as soon as you click any option upon loading the page and thus this workaround wouldn't be needed.
Sorry by the way as this isn't really related to the beta, but someone else posted about this bug here so I wanted to mention it in case you do indeed plan to resolve that. In my opinion it doesn't really cause major issues, and it's a type of bug you're intentionally causing yourself, but I'd also understand the logic behind solving it, as long as you keep the web client problem in mind.

Something that is however related to the beta, but don't know if it's possible to solve, in Chess, possibly go as well, if you lose your connection the bot is totally frozen even after you reconnect. Keep in mind that it freezes even if it was your turn when you got disconnected. If it's possible, after reconnecting it should resume it's play, for example it does that successfully in C4 or Reversi.

Score: +1

130. YNWA,

Maybe a mad question but would it be possible to use more than one engine for a game? If it is possible could one or two others be tested at the same time to find out which is more popular? We have something now but others could be looked at at a later date.

Score: +1

131. Literary,

Hello, I am unable to remove the friend request; despite using /add username and /remove username. THanks

Score: +0

132. James_Ketchup ,

try do it without the capital letters. That should work. So that's /add literaryprogrammer

Score: +0

133. Qais,

@LiteraryProgrammer, I think your Issue should be discussed in another topic, however, use /accept LiteraryProgrammer then delete yourself from the friends list.

Score: +1

134. Destranis,

Hello! I found a pretty weird bug in the latest beta version. If you are sitting in a chess table as a spectator, and the table master restarts the game, you, as the spectator, are unable to look at the board from any of the sides, neither with 1, nor 2.

Score: +0

135. Literary,

Thanks Qais, I have accepted the friend request; now, I can remove. Thanks.

Score: +1

136. Nikola,

@delmar-barry yes, this bug happens also when just joining an existing game to spectate, but it isn't related to the beta. The same happens in V2, and it was broken like this since the latest Chess update. Please use either number 1 to view the board as white or 2 to view it as black and then you should see it normally.

Score: +1

137. Destranis,

I mean it happens even if I press either 1 or 2, if someone restarts the game, you are unable to see the board.

Score: +0

138. Nikola,

Yes, I meant that you should press it after the restart or joining to see the board.
Edit: You are actually right, this is a separate bug. At the start of a game, if you're spectator since the beginning the board can't be viewed at all. 1 and 2 works only if you join again.

Score: +1

Dernière édition par Nikola, 29.04.2021 16:45

139. Destranis,

Indeed, that's the thing I tried to explain.

Score: +0

140. Nikola,

it appears there is a bot freeze in Chess. Try importing the following FEN position:
2r1k2r/1b1p1pQ1/pq4n1/7p/2P1PP2/2N5/pP2B1PP/3R1R1K b kq - 0 19

The bot is supposed to be black, and for me, it doesn't continue playing on any difficulty, but I tried both beginner and great master as an example.
Edit: it actually seems that the bot doesn't play with any imported board, but that's not the problem, in the position copied above the bot froze in the middle of the game, not because of importing. Sadly I no longer have the history in PGN, I'll try to save it if it happens again.

Also, I don't know if it's just me, but it seems that with bots many Checkmates are not correctly detected. Yesterday evening I sent a history report with an example of this situation, hopefully that helps you solve it, not even sure if that's related to the bots but some patterns seemed like obvious Checkmates that were detected before.

Score: +1

Dernière édition par Nikola, 30.04.2021 03:08

141. Aminiel,

it appears there is a bot freeze in Chess. The bot is supposed to be black, and for me, it doesn't continue playing on any difficulty, but I tried both beginner and great master as an example.
Edit: it actually seems that the bot doesn't play with any imported board, but that's not the problem, in the position copied above the bot froze in the
middle of the game, not because of importing.

Bots not playing after import will be fixed in next update.
For the rest, for me it doesn't freeze in this situation: here the bot is playing Qxb2.

Also, I don't know if it's just me, but it seems that with bots many Checkmates are not correctly detected. Yesterday evening I sent a history report with an example of this situation, hopefully that helps you solve it, not even sure if that's related to the bots but some patterns seemed like obvious Checkmates that were detected before.

Got the report, thank you. I don't think it was ever correctly detected, as the related code hasn't changed for quite a while.
It seems that for some reason, the system thinks that you can simultaneously move two pieces in two different squares in front of the two threats (Qg7 and Rg6). I'll look at that.

Score: +1

142. Aminiel,


This message to let you know that the beta has been updated. Changes are in the first post as usual.

I think I have fixed the chess mate detection now.
The problem when switching between NVDA and narrator should also be fixed now.

Score: +1

143. No-Time-no-Musume,


I've already reported this directly to Aminiel, but I decided to put it here as well for those, who have the problem with first letter navigation like me, so you can test if this is the case for you as well.
@braille0109 @Nikola's friends:

"As for the first letter navigation, I just figured out something interesting. It actually seems, that the tooltips function seems to be interfering with it - if I turn the tooltips off and restart the client, I can use the first letter navigation just fine, but if it's turned on, I seem to be able to use this only until the first tooltips window appears, after that the first letter navigation breaks completely until the next restart. This would actually explain why most of the people aren't experiencing any problems - not many people probably have the tooltips enabled."

I actually figured it out on the previous beta version, but it seems to be the same on the newest one as well.

Score: +1

144. Gata-louca,

Good afternoon, I would like to know where I can get the link to the game room versions. QCGC beta?

Score: +0

145. Vojvoda,

It is in the first message of this post, although if you didn't bother to check yourself, not sure if you want to get it.

Score: +1

146. anonymous ,

@Gata-louca here is the link. It will remain same for all updates, if I'm not wrong:

Score: +1

147. Nikola,

everything seems to work correctly in today's update, thanks for the web view fix.

I was wondering about Chess bots, if you start a game and then press H to play as black, and then you win, your level seems to decrease instead of increasing. I was on level 1273, then I played as black and won, now I am on 1232.

Score: +1

148. YNWA,

I have created another game of go, remember this is practise so expect the odd)

The blond has joined the table.
Choose difficulty level: (Medium/normal)
Choose goban size: (19/19)
The game is starting.
It's your turn.
You play in E11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in C16.
It's your turn.
You play in H11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in Q3.
It's your turn.
You play in C11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in P15.
It's your turn.
You play in K11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in D5.
It's your turn.
You play in O11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in P17.
It's your turn.
You play in S11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in D3.
It's your turn.
You play in A11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in E17.
It's your turn.
You play in B11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in J3.
It's your turn.
You play in D11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in J17.
It's your turn.
You play in F11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in H6.
It's your turn.
You play in G11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in D7.
It's your turn.
You play in I11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in L7.
It's your turn.
You play in J11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in N7.
It's your turn.
You play in L11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in Q8.
It's your turn.
You play in M11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in M14.
It's your turn.
You play in N11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in J14.
It's your turn.
You play in P11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in G14.
It's your turn.
You play in Q11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in J7.
It's your turn.
You play in R11.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in D14.
It's your turn.
You play in P10.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in G7.
It's your turn.
You play in P9.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in N3.
It's your turn.
You play in P8.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in Q7.
It's your turn.
You play in P7.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in Q6.
It's your turn.
You play in P6.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in Q5.
It's your turn.
You play in P5.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in O4.
It's your turn.
You play in P4.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in P3.
It's your turn.
This intersection is already occupied.
You play in O5.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in Q4.
It's your turn.
You play in N5.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in M4.
It's your turn.
You play in M5.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in L4.
It's your turn.
This intersection is already occupied.
You play in M6.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in M7.
It's your turn.
You play in K7.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in K6.
It's your turn.
You play in L6.
It's The blond's turn.
Stone in K7 is captured.
The blond plays in K8.
It's your turn.
You play in O8.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in N9.
It's your turn.
You play in N8.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in M9.
It's your turn.
You play in M8.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in L9.
It's your turn.
You play in L8.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in J9.
It's your turn.
guliwer has left the playroom.
You play in K9.
It's The blond's turn.
Stone in K9 is captured.
The blond plays in K10.
It's your turn.
This intersection is already occupied.
You play in I9.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in P13.
It's your turn.
This intersection is already occupied.
You play in I10.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in I8.
It's your turn.
You play in H9.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in B14.
It's your turn.
You play in H8.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in H7.
It's your turn.
You play in G8.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in F7.
It's your turn.
You play in F8.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in D9.
It's your turn.
You play in E8.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in D8.
It's your turn.
You play in E7.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in B9.
It's your turn.
You play in E6.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in D6.
It's your turn.
You play in E5.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in F4.
It's your turn.
You play in E4.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in D4.
It's your turn.
You play in E3.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in F3.
It's your turn.
You play in E2.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in D2.
It's your turn.
You play in E1.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in G1.
It's your turn.
You play in D1.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in B2.
It's your turn.
You play in C1.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in F2.
It's your turn.
You play in B1.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in C2.
It's your turn.
You play in A1.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in A2.
It's your turn.
This intersection is already occupied.
You play in A3.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in R9.
It's your turn.
You play in A4.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in E9.
It's your turn.
You play in A5.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in B4.
It's your turn.
You play in A6.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in B3.
It's your turn.
You play in A7.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in A8.
It's your turn.
This intersection is already occupied.
You play in A9.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in B8.
It's your turn.
You play in A10.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in R10.
It's your turn.
You play in D12.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in N4.
It's your turn.
BlindTiger77 has left the playroom.
You play in D13.
It's The blond's turn.
BlindTiger77 has left the playroom.
The blond plays in E14.
It's your turn.
You play in E13.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in C13.
It's your turn.
You play in F14.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in F13.
It's your turn.
You play in F12.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in G13.
It's your turn.
You play in G12.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in H13.
It's your turn.
You play in H12.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in F1.
It's your turn.
You play in I12.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in I13.
It's your turn.
You play in L5.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in K5.
It's your turn.
This intersection is already occupied.
You play in F5.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in G5.
It's your turn.
You play in J13.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in B12.
It's your turn.
You play in J12.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in F9.
It's your turn.
You play in K14.
It's The blond's turn.
The blond plays in S10.
It's your turn.
You play in K15.
It's The blond's turn.
GNU Go error: K15
Error #3939 ! Si le problème persiste, veuillez quitter cette table et en recréer une nouvelle / If the problem keeps happening, please leave this table and recreate a new one

Score: +0

149. James_Ketchup ,

Hi. Something strange has been happening. When I try to either play chess or go with a bot I get these errors. Go error: --mode gtp --never-resign' failed (error 193: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.)
Go engine execution failed: wxExecute returned 0
Chess error: failed (error 193: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.)
Chess engine execution failed: wxExecute returned 0

Am I doing something wrong? The go thing also happened with the previous beta

Score: +0

150. senin-memleket-kokulu-babaannen,

can't you make the beta client to check for updates and ask user to download when there's a new beta version found instead of showing a bann message? thus it would have been easier to get the new betas in my opinion.

Score: +0

353 messages, 12 pages:  1; 3 45 6 7; 12 ↖ Retour à la liste des sujets

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