Bug with blackjack game stopping

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Score: +0

1. godfather,

At first I thought this was an error on my part, but I have gotten this bug to reproduce multiple times so I'm sure of it now. Basically, when a blackjack game is in progress, and a spectator joins it and then leaves at any point, the game disbands itself completely even though the other person was not playing at all. This happens regardless of how many people are actually playing.
Here's a history snippet from one of said games, for reffrence.
Next round in 15 seconds.
nightingale has joined the table.
There is currently 102 in your stack.
Round #30.
Your bet is currently 102. Press enter to confirm, or space to change it. Press A to bet all your chips (all in).
The dealer shuffles the cards and deals them.
You put 50 at the center of the table.
You get a king of clubs and a king of diamonds, which gives 20.
The dealer puts a 5 of hearts in front of him.
It's your turn.
You have a king of clubs and a king of diamonds, which gives 20.
You stand at 20.
The second card of the dealer is a 9 of diamonds.
The dealer draws a 10 of diamonds, for a total of 24.
The dealer has busted!
The dealer has a 5 of hearts, a 9 of diamonds and a 10 of diamonds, which gives 24.
You have a king of clubs and a king of diamonds, which gives 20.
You win your bet (50)!
Next round in 15 seconds.
nightingale has left the table.
The table is now open for new players.

Score: +0

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