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1. Naday,

I am not sure what could have been wrong, but a few days ago I saved an uno table, and when when I tried to restore it, it was simply gone. There was not even a "the table couldn't be restored" message, there was just nothing.
I did not report it at the right time because I didn't know how it happened at all. The reason I write it now, is because, although I don't know how, something alse happened.
I again saved an uno table, and at the same time I heard how someone restored a table with me. Oh, what a timing! My surprise was bigger when I looked to see who had done it and it was... Yes, it was me. I saved, and automatically it restored, or at least so I thought...
I saved that one again, and then I looked at my restored tables. In fact, there were two of the same kind, with the same bot. There were no results in the first one, so in the second one either. It's as if it would have made a copy of itself.
These are, unfortunately, all the details I can provide you with, for now. I hope it is any useful.

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2. The-Chaos,

I saved a reversi table, when trying to restore, I get: The table couldn't be restored. An error occurred while restoring the table.
When I tried to do it again, the table was gone from the list.

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Dernière édition par The-Chaos, 20.09.2021 15:38

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