Something strange about duck racing, a random card obtained when frozen

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Score: +1

1. Nikola,

I have noticed something a little weird in Duck racing.
It isn't mentioned anywhere in the rules, and it doesn't always happen, so I don't know if it is a bug, and if it isn't, what causes it.

When a player loses all of their feathers and becomes frozen, sometimes, they receive a random card from the deck.
In my experience, this never happens if a player is frozen after a duel, but happens often if a player gets frozen by being moved to square 24 (Peaceful pond ) or in general if the freezing happens after moving on the board.
Sometimes, this is of course normal, it makes sense to draw a card when being moved to a square causing such an effect, but square 24 obviously isn't one of them. It was just a curiosity whether this was an intended feature, and when does it happen?

While I am talking about freezing, I will also bring up another point. When a player is frozen, cards such as tar stain and oil stain get completely wasted.
For example, if you freeze a player by moving them to 22, but a tar stain card was present, the player will get frozen, the card will activate but it will do absolutely nothing and thus get completely wasted.
It would be nice if these cards either stole feathers from a frozen player as well, since they receive 5 feathers that should also be possible, or at least if they didn't activate at all and thus not get wasted on frozen players.
This especially applies to Oil stain, since not only are the feathers not stolen, but the card doesn't even move the player back a square as it should.

Thanks for an excellent game!

Score: +1

2. Chocolate-Icecream ,

Hello i totally agree i have also started noticing it.

Score: +0

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