An interesting bug with the friends list

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1. Urh2006,

Hi all. so I was just messing with the free table thing and I clicked enter on my name in the table players list, and clicked add as a friend and I was able to add myself as a friend, however, now here's the funny part, I go to the friend requests and it says that there is one request but I cannot open it because when I press enter it just says that there is nothing there, so first of all you shouldn't be able to just add yourself to the friends list and then second this should be fixed.

Score: +0

2. Pizza, can accept yourself, paste this in the chat:
/accept Urh2006

Score: +0

3. Urh2006,

this still is a bug though, you can't just add yourself as a friend, i mean what the hell.

Score: +0

4. Nikola,

Yeah it's a bug technically, but a pretty harmless one.

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