Reason of nickname

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Score: +24

31. GodSaveTheQueen,

Quite simply, I loved Queen Elizabeth. When she died, I changed my name to honor her and have yet to change it back.

Score: +0

32. FMGold,

My nick name reason is I love and inspired by a Zimbabwean cricketer called as Sikandar raza who is an all rounder and a hard worker for his team through him only, Zimbabwe is recognized as a one of the good and hardworking team.

Score: +0

33. emilia ,

Hello. Simply, my nickname is in honor of the Argentine singer Emilia Mernes.

Score: +0

34. TheDreamer,

Diana was taken, so I decided to add a 69 to the end of my nick. Why? Well, no clue, but I think of changing it soon. To what? I'm still thinking but wellp, until then, this cringey nick would have to be.

Score: +0

35. sound2,

My parents decided to do things and to have children? lol that made me laugh. Good one to the other poster. And who were you originally god save the queen?

Score: +0

36. TheDreamer,

I was Diana69. The one complaining that the simple Diana was taken lol.
This one? I think I'll stick with it but if not and you read this another time, I'm TheDreamer, because I like to dream. Specifically, daydream.

Score: +0

37. Ryoba-aishi ,

My name is a contraction of 2 words that despite being Latina I like its sound in English and for me it has a personal meaning. serendipity, and purple. The first thing is disorder, euphoria and desire to live and eat the world and do something good in it and purple because it is my favorite color forever and ever

Score: +0

38. sound2,

Hi, nice description.

Score: +0

39. HeadphoneJack,

I went through a thing once when I thought the latin word for iron "ferrum" sounded cool. "Ferrum" wasn't cool enough for me back then so I added a suffix. Honestly compared to what I read in this topic it feels perfectly ordinary, which means I'll need to step up :D

Edit: and I did. the reason for my new nickname (headphonejack) is that I made a very lengthy shitpost in a private free table, TheChaos can testify to that in court. I'd post said shitpost here but talks about strangling people with wires so I don't think everyone will appreciate it as much as I did

Score: +0

Dernière édition par HeadphoneJack, 25.09.2023 14:09

40. Arya_Stark,

Arya Stark, my current nick now. She's from song of ice and fire, or game of thrones, whatever you know; I feel identified with that girl. I think we are the same way, we have the same personality, Idk how to explain it.
BTW, for the one who said that didn't know how to change the nickname yet, to be honest I don't have so much time to stay here so I didn't see all the messages completely so I don't know if you answered it already sorry for this. To change the nickname, go to the website
Then log in and select settings or options (don't knwo how does it apear in English sorry people) then search the heading to change current nickname, and next to it you have all the instructions. Just write your new nickname, the password you have, click change nickname and the application will be sent to the helpers. They have to validate it. When they do, your nickname will be already changed.

Score: +1

41. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Mine goes like this:
My real name is Sajad.
In Arabic, anything that starts with "al" is a definition name of something. Just like "the" in English.
Then we have Iraq in the middle of name, which is my country. Anything that ends with "I" means it is owned by the same person or a belonging.
So in short, and transcription to English, it means Sajad the Iraqi.
In Spanish to state it well, Sajad El Iraquí.
As you may have noticed, yes Spanish and Arabic share a bit of information in language data. Al, and el, work just the same.
I used to go by the name Cocoa before, but someone stole it from me while I chose to go with my real name, so I only use Cocoa on other platforms. It became a conflicting issue because people don't know who is who. That's why I get messages if this is me or someone else.

Score: +0

42. Borja ,

My Nick name is for Marcelo Gallardo, former manager of River Plate, the football club I'm a fan of.
PS: With football I mean also known as soccer, I simply call it that because the creators of it do it.

Score: +0

43. melanie,

Hello, the reason for my nickname is because it’s the name of a plant, and I like it because it sounds lovely.

Score: +0

44. sound2,

Yes belladonna, it does sound lovely. There are a few plants that are rather toxic but interesting at the same time.

Score: +0

45. Negar,

I agree, it sounds lovely

Score: +0

46. Rory101,

My real name is rory, and the prefix 101. Nothing special about it. When I joined my first online audiogame (dice world) my brother came up with it for me. I kept on going back and forth but I gravitate back towards this one, because it is neutral.

Score: +0

47. melanie,

Because my school friends gave me this nickname

Score: +0

48. Disquete,

I am the latest version of Symbian, called Symbian Belle. Symbian was the operating system used by Nokia in their smartphones between 2001 and 2012.

Score: +0

49. Orochimaru ,

When I first created my account, I was using my real name, then after a short time I switched to this nickname Kaito. The reference is Kaito Kid, a character from detective Conan. He's a thief but I like the character and the name so I decided to use it as my nickname lol.

Score: +0

50. JuneRose,

JuneRose: simple. My favorite month is June and my favorite flower is the peach rose.

Score: +0

51. sound2,

I like the smell of roses.

I came up with this nickname in my teenage years because of an interest in audio production, and making music, which comes and goes.

Score: +0

52. ileto,

Ileto stands for I like eating tiny oranges, so the reason of this nickname is that I like tiny oranges

Score: +1

Dernière édition par ileto, 13.11.2023 04:18

53. Vojvoda,

Very simple, as everyone would assume, Vojvoda stands for Versatile Operational Job Verification and Data Analysis

Score: +0

54. Northstrider,

Totally Haphazardly Engineered Crazy Hodgepodge of Absurdity Operating System. My mind, anyone?

Score: +0

55. ubuntu,

"My name is Ubuntu because I aspire to bestow Unity, Benevolence, Universalism, Nobility, Togetherness, and Understanding upon the world."

Score: +4

56. sound2,

lol, very good guys.

Score: +1

57. valkorion,

My name comes from a mud game I started playing, and I decided to give my website the same name, adding the word productions.

Score: -1

58. BlueTardisz,

I recently changed my nickname, but it refers to a show. Only, it's not written with a Z at the end, but I wrote it like that to indicate how I'd write it in another language, so it was born. and yes, I travel through time and space, maybe in my spare time. :)

Score: +0

59. gatia ,

Is a mix between gabia, stupid in arabic, and fatima, my real name. so ya it means stupid fatima.

Score: -3

60. MuhammadHajjar,

My nickname, Muhammad, if you take each letter, means "My uncle has a marvelous mango at dinner", and Hajjar means "Habibi always juggles jars around rooms".

Score: +2

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