krash words

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31. BhavyaShah ,

Nothing till now, whatsoever, even after removing all spacing and unnecessary surrounding symbols, has succeeded in crashing my setup which is NVDA in English using ESpeak in English too on a Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit system with the English locale too.
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah.

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32. afrim,

I have noticed that there are some words which crash both jaws eloquence and NVDA eloquence. I can't really provide you with the crashing words but what I noticed was that those word, or that single word couldn't crash sappy 5 or vocalizer expressive voices. So when you notice a trouble on playroom, like people who come on free tables, paste the words and leave, you had better change your voice profile. Or do the famous alternative most of us have mentioned. Add these words to the dictionary.


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33. Aminiel,

Yes exactly, the crash words found so far all concern eloquence exclusively. Eloquence in Jaws, NVDA, your good old nokia phone, your braille notetaker, or whatever else using eloquence.

We have never received any crash word directed to any other synthesizer til now.

What makes me angry in this topic is that these eloquence crash words exist since 10 years, and that even freedom scientific can't do anything against them except adding them to the default dictionary.

Adding words to the dictionary has limits unfortunately; we have discovered a few patterns that can cause crashes, and there are an infinite number of possibilities.

I wont reveal the trick here, but any word having a well defined prefix and suffix with anything you want in between will make eloquence to crash. If you know these prefixes and suffixes, you can invent what you want in the middle of the word and it will crash.

A dictionary based on regular expressions is needed to protect ourselves against them altogether.

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34. afrim,

Eloquence has never been updated since the new version was released about 10 years ago I think.
There have been very little updates which let you say that they were not updates but small changes. But no attempt has been made so far to stop this great synthesizer from crashing. It is one of the most popular and most used synthesizer in the world from the blind comunity and it's a shame they are not changing anything.

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35. Riad,

Actually there are too much words which can crash the Arabic speech synthesizers whatever their cumpanies are, and after my experience in that, I can make unlimited of words (not to spam here of course :D) like with the Eloquence speech synth. In fact, I recently put my hand on a too old version of Eloquence I used back in 2002, and which can't crash, no matter what you type.

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36. Exink,

In fact, I recently put my hand on a too old version of Eloquence I used back in 2002, and which can't crash, no matter what you type.

Then, it means that the words started to work since one of the recent versions of Eloqence.

And yes, I have heard that FreedomScientific has been released a X version of JAWS with dictionaries that avoid it is able to crash, but maybe they did not choose the correct group of words and its dictionaries appear to be useless.

As Aminiel has said, all the Eloquence versions crash with those words: Eloquence for Nokia, for NVDA, and also the Sapi4 version crashes too, and I think the Eloquence for Sapi5.

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37. afrim,

Do you guys mean Via voice loud? it is the old eloquence which sounds similar to this synthesizer we use nowadays.

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38. Riad,

Yup I mean this one.

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