uno league!

38 messages, 2 pages:  12 ↖ Retour à la liste des sujets

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31. CathyAnne,

Thanks for that information

Score: +0

32. basket,

Hello All,
The registration of the league is now closed as we have met our goal of 45 members. Thank you

Score: +0

Dernière édition par basket, 05.11.2015 01:36

33. skyreal,

did i make it in the uno league? please respond :(

Score: +0

34. Exink,

Yes, You have joined to the tournament, so you are still in it.

Score: +0

35. phyllis,

Is this the spades tournament for November 2015? If so, I want to play

Score: +0

36. Exink,

No, it isn't; the post which you are looking for is a bit closer than this one.

Score: +0

37. Riad,

Hello there.
This is a uno league, not a spades tournament, I think you might have chosen the wrong topic because there's really a spades tournament late this month!

Score: +0

38. Epic_Krrish,

hello all, The final list with the conferences which will be each participants will be falling will be posted soon, and there you will find who are all in. Till then this Is Krrish with best wishes.

Score: +0

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