New game

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31. gaurasuryavanshi,

well, it seems that this game has disappeared. I think it was something with cards, before a few days I was able to found it but now I can't

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32. Aminiel,

Due to the huge demand, fishing ace will certainly come back soon.

To make it a little more serious / less 1st April specificly oriented, its name as well as some of the rules will change a little. For example, dice rolls will be removed because it doesn't make any sens to have that kind of randomness in a card game.

Essential rules that aren't so stupid, such as the fact that the second card wins will stay, of course.

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33. Vojvoda ,


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34. Lemonade,

Aww, but randomness is fun! LOL

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35. YNWA,

Glad it is coming back and nothing wrong in creating a new game. I agree that the dice should be removed but there is a genuine challenge to stay second. When I was a kid we had a weird saying when someone was a head and it goes like this! First the worst, second the best third the one with the hairy chest! lol perhaps it applies to this game!

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36. musiclover,


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37. Exink,

Lol, for those who don't know it yet, I was able to play this game after has been removed from the list. At least it made more sense than the first time I played it. :D.

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38. The-white-dove,

Same here, I still can play it. :D

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39. YNWA,

does that mean Teardrop is the winner as she is the second person to say she has played the game? lol!

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40. AcaaFaaca ,

Please when you put it back write the rools!

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41. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Yeee awsome if rules will be available. I'm patiently waiting

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42. AcaaFaaca ,

Hey game isn't in the menu When it will ve back?

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43. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I hope soon. It takes time to edit the game and typing its rules. So let's wait!

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44. AcaaFaaca ,

I haved lost my pation.

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45. each-and-everythinh ,

hello , i think if this new game appears again , best score should win and not score in the middle as you can't really make your score be at the second place easily and generally that doesn't make sense.

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46. MRMagenta,

Yep, we play this game in the different way hiest card wins the trick. Hiest score wins the game after 6 rounds

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47. each-and-everythinh ,

no bno , highest card shouldn't win the trick , second card winning the trick is actually really interesting but highest score should win the game.

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48. MRMagenta,

Yes But to have more strategies

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49. each-and-everythinh ,

well , second card winning the trick adds more strategy , at least i think just try it with lots of people and you'll see.

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50. MRMagenta,

Ok But hiest scor wins the game. Because we get 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s we here the winning sound adds points so the hiest score.

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51. each-and-everythinh ,

yeah that's what i said

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52. MRMagenta,

Hey I get a grate I dia To in fishing aces that will come To have option of score limit for example someone reach -100 points is automatically out of the game.

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53. DianaCician,

hello. i no donte fishing and i want to learn it. put back please aminiel. i no cand to learn and i want. Aminiel. you are a friend good. and you donte in week what people want to play a fishing. some time are ok. you learn?

Score: +0

54. kb7clx,

8 rounds? hmm. I let some bots play 8 rounds without defining a score limit, and guess what? They're playing round 9 now. I thought the trick was not to define a score limit, but looks like that's a red herring. Though the define a score limit is default. PS I just played a game with bots and some other humans, it went to the 9th round, so we just quit after 8. I didn't win, but I almost did, lost my second place near the end of round 8. It's a pretty cool game now that I know how it works, and the strategy to keep yourself in second is interesting. Will be interesting to see what I can do if there are no bots, the bots are easy to push around it seems. We shoved one to -125 and were pushing the other one up in the air.

Score: +0

Dernière édition par kb7clx, 03.07.2016 16:09

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