your favorite audio games?

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1. sethgamer,

this is for peeple that like audio gaming, what are your favorite audio games, mine are, death match, project alpha, super liam, super egg hunt, survive the wild, and several others! so, why not tell me your alls favorite audio games to play?

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2. Mayana,

Mine are STW, Entombed, most of aprone's games (revilation, obsesive compulsive, castaways, pawprints, lunimals, etc.) and of corse, the best of them all, Playroom! :)

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3. Vojvoda ,

First of all comes the brilliant game from vg storm called Manamon! Then behind it is Crazy party. all others are behind :)

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4. andkuk,

i playing playroom oriol gomez games redspot or other games. good is top speed super liam

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5. Mayana,

of corse, how could I forget cp? It's awesome!

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6. sound2,

I don't play much games, although I do like all or most games by oriol gomes. Many by jim kitchen. I had a few others on my xp machine but can't remember what I had, lol.

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7. MuhammadHajjar,

I like a lot of audio games, really afraid of forgetting some but here you go: I like Crazy Party, Manamon, Paladin of the Sky, VGStorm's games in general, ShadowLine, A Blind Legend, Undead Assault but it needs more expansion, and lots of pretty other games that if I remembered I'll keep updating the post every second :D. And of course, of course, of course and I'll say it a hundred times, of course, the awesome coming soon rpg game (A Hero's Call) will be one of my best for sure.

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Dernière édition par MuhammadHajjar, 21.01.2017 22:00

8. Paddy_Irishman,

Audiogames are too geeky for my liking, stick to playroom and rs here. some of the audiogames i've seen require so much time to build boat simulations and such crap like that or get new skills or gold or whatever i mean what is the point? no i don't play audiogames, i have a life.

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9. MuhammadHajjar,

Ah Helleon, let me be honest with you. Do audio games or games in jeneral break your life? No if you organized your time so well. And, in regards to what the audio games do offer, seeming that you didn't look at the adventure games or the rpg adventure games or any successful titles in the market to judge directly. Personal opinions in the end though.

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10. afrim,

I like A Blind Legend, it's a wonderful game with an amazing scene and acting, and I have to say that Survive the Wild is a wonderful and time-grabbing game.

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11. Vojvoda ,

As a man who enjoyed playing video games when I could see, and someone who enjoyed them so much that I had only time to study for school and play them I have to totally disagree with Helleon, but everybody has his own opinion. The point is I like games so so much, and yeah I can't organize my time when I start playing them that is true. Probably there are people who can do it but me surely not. Also I'd like to say someone who plays games can think much better than someone who doesn't. Playing games really helps to your brain believe it or no. Of course it helps till you dont get dependent of them.

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12. Oana-tN,

My favourite games are survive the wild, playroom and btb. I also play crazy party and some other small games, but i don't play them so ofteh. i play them just when i am bored. but ussually i am there on
playroom, stw or btb

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13. spaceship,

No offence to gamers,
But For some reason I agree with helleon.

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14. Lemonade,

I'm not sure why there is a need to reply to the post if you're just going to act condescending and say you have a life. I understand everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this is basically like me replying to a post asking how many of you like Dr. Who? and then saying actually, there are fewer things I hate more in this world than Dr. Who. If you really did have such low amounts of time, then why would you waste that time on commenting on stuff you don't even like? Not to mention that yes, there is plenty of stuff which you can just come back to when you do have time.
As to the original question... Crazy party of course! And I guess playroom counts as well? I also played a lot of the other stuff mentioned here, but right now CP is something I just keep coming back to.

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15. spaceship,

Well I just want to say that I don't like games.... is it really too much off topic?
Suppose someone asks, how many games do you like?
you can say 5 games, 4 , 3, 2, 1, and also 0 if you like.

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16. Lemonade,

Well, you weren't the one who said you had a life. But to address your post, the question wasn't how many you liked.

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17. Slavista,

STW and Eurofly for me... :D And yes, playroom... :D And from non audio games: hattrick and PPM

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18. grobar ,

Hey all, nice topic. My favorite games are crazy party, playroom and eurofly, until something else appears which will make me addicted. As for people who don't like games, well you're writing this post on a forum dedicated to a game.

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19. Oana-tN,

i saw some of you writing about a game caled cp, what is it's original name and what is it about?

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20. Vojvoda ,

It is called crazy party and you can get it at: click on crazy party in english and download it. There are more than 150 minigames and also cards battle which is similar to yugioh and pokemon

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21. sethgamer,

okay guys, lok! manaman is really cool, and undead_assault is fun! beyond the bullet is history! don't play it! and crazy party, heck yeah! fun game! thats all for now

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22. MuhammadHajjar,

Yeah I'm really shocked that I saw some one here loves btb. By the way, I'm sure that you all guys will love A Hero's Call from out of sight games which is seeming will be available in the summer.

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23. TowerAlphaTheta15,

i like btb too and plus i like death match: project alpha and some other stuff and menomon hek yeah! crazy party's good sometimes and well i like audiogames in generial

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24. fire-starter,

rofl btb, its history :d:d. Better play redspot

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25. MuhammadHajjar,

Rofl yeah, btb was a black history. Well in regards to online in general, I prefer Crazy Party. But when it comes to online shooting and such, my preference will go for good games like Undead Assault, Swamp, RTR and some others. But I'm sure that the best audio game ever I'll experience will be A Hero's Call, no doubt :D.

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26. Riad,

Wait, no offense, but are a 14-year-old kid's products even considered games? I don't think so, and that's why I will no longer play his minigames and stick myself to Crazy Party, and of course the new upcoming AHC which will show everyone a game's right definition!

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27. MuhammadHajjar,

Exactly, right Riad you're awesome, you've got it. So strange that people consider them games. In my opinion, the best online audio game I'm seeing so far is Crazy Party.

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28. Riad,

Wait, I accidentally forgot EuroFly and Tube Sim. They're also among my best audio games ever!

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29. grobar ,

Come on guys, how does it matter that he's 14? Love it or no, STW is a popular game and him being young makes no difference.

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30. Vojvoda ,

Does it matter how old he is? Grobar is definitely right. If you like his games then you do, if not then not and ages are definitely not important.

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