Congratulations to the winner team of the spades tournament!

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1. Cristina ,

A very warm greeting!
We would like to tell congratulations to Farhan and Sunny, the winner team of the spades tournament which has concluded today.
They have played Alesia and Furki in the final, it was a great match, the final score of it was 494 to 417. Alesia has missed again the title, as it happened in 2016, when she and Aurel played MagicalKrrish and Guliver in the final.
There were many nice and interesting matches with great scores.
From 24 matches of the first stage, were played 22 matches because a team gave up and those matches were given by default to the opponent teams.
In quarter were 3 matches played from 4 and they were as follow:
Farhan and Sunny vs Marina7 and Fawaz
Desire Genti vs Serbian and Dzoni, this match was not played, therefore it was given by default to Serbian and Dzoni.
Alesia and Furki vs Snowflake and Ynwa
Anabell and Aurel vs Angelina-princess and duchess
Then we had great matches with good scores in semi-final, they are as follow:
Farhan and Sunny vs Anabell and Aurel 415 to 394
Alesia and Furki vs Serbian and Dzoni, 468 to 248
The final match was played by Farhan and Sunny vs Alesia and Furki, score 494 to 417.
Many thanks to all of you, who participated in this spades tournament, without you and your effort, this would have not happened.
I would like to thank also to Anabell, who has helped me in organizing this spades tournament, to Vojvoda, who helped me when the draw was done and also he talked to the serbian players and to all of you who helped me in a way or in another.
Hope to see many players again in the next tournament what we plane to organize, it will be belote.
Kind regards, Cristina!

Score: +0

2. Nikola-Jovic ,

Congratulations to the winners and looking forward to belote tournament as i like that game.

Score: +0

3. Vojvoda ,

Nothing to thank for and the tournament was very fun for me and Bastibasti. Thank you for organizing, we're waiting for a next one

Score: +0

4. YNWA,

Congratulations to the winners of the Spades tournament as there were many strongly contested matches. Well done to Mak for getting to another final. I have to slightly correct you Cristina as it was towards the end of 2015 although it doesn't feel like 18 months ago.

I would like to congratulate the organisers for their effort and flexability as this tournament proved to be quite a challenge due to team selections and the differing timezones, as well as the usual issues you get with tournaments.

I would like to think that you will get more in your Belote tournament than we did as more people have taken up the game.

I would finally like to congratulate all those that took part who showed team games can work as a tournament in The Playroom because some doubted that team tournaments couldn't work in the past because of suspected cheating.

Score: +0

5. Cristina ,

oh my bad, I've tiped 6 instead of 5, lolololo

Score: +0

6. Epic_Krrish,

Congratulations to the winners..


Score: +0

7. Angelina-princess,

wow, congratulations to the winning team & cheers.
I would like to say thank you for organisers who had hard work to organize this tournament. It gave us a lot of emotions & enjoyment.

Score: +0

8. LetsRoll,

Cristina, you done a terrific job organizing this. this requires patience and a great deal of temprament to get the players playing a game as well as making sure that the games can be played without an issue. thanks a bunch for letting us play and I'm sure you're going to get success in your next assignment.

Score: +0

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