1k mile draw

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1. Peggy_Bella420,

.. Hello all! The draw has been done yesterday on a free table by rolling the dices, thanks Cristina for helping me with this. The matches will be running simultaneously at four different tables, they are as follow: 1. Cocoa jeffe vs Cristina Catallin 2. Alesia Furki vs Trixabella6666 Bigbeast 3. Albinuta2 Victoras vs jeff rutkowski Dressycover 4. Snowflake Genti vs Alexandra Alex_Benchea on Saturday, September 23 2017 will be the first round of the tournament, The starting time will be 14:00 (2PM central time), 20:00 (8 PM UK time), and the winner team of each match will advance. The the matches of semi-final and final will be played Sunday, September 24 2017, the starting time will be the same, 20:00 (8 PM UK time). As I’ve mentioned in my other post, the score limit will be 5600 for the first and semi-final and for final will be 6666, hope all of you will find it funny that I chose my favorite number. Hope to catch all of you on the time, please contact me privately for any further information. Let’s enjoy this tournament and have a lot of fun! Cheers, your favorite bella!

Score: +0

2. george,

i requested before you put this message, i told that i want participate, lol!

Score: +0

3. Cristina ,

Do not worry George, I plan to organize 1k miles tournament just for romanian players, if you are interested to participate, please contact me privately.

Score: +0

4. george,

ok, thanks

Score: +0

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