Advertiesment for shopping

3 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Retour à la liste des sujets

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1. sodanisavit01 ,

This message was edited by moderators to remove the mall's name which violates the rule that says no advertising.
Which mall you prefer for shopping , well i prefer (mall name)get 50 to 60% off on all brands! what are you waiting for? just visit the mall now!

Score: +0

Dernière édition par Marina, 13.11.2020 17:57

2. YNWA,

No advertising?

Score: +0

3. Marina,

No advertising is allowed, therefore this topic will be closed, and please think before you revive an old topic for nothing and posting new topics. Check once the rules and whether you're violating them or not.
I will also edit your message to remove the mall name and information.

Score: +0

Dernière édition par Marina, 13.11.2020 21:52

3 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Retour à la liste des sujets

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