Quiz party

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1. ashishchhetri,

Hi all I have a question how to post quiz's question in playroom?

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2. YNWA,


To post questions for quiz party you need to find Quiz Party in the list of games and press enter as normal. Once in Quiz Party press space and you will find a list of categories, once you have chosen a category type in your question in the box and press enter. Once you have pressed enter you will be asked to type in the correct answer to the question you wish to submit, once done you can add 3 realistic wrong answers. Check your options to see you have not made errors and then finally choose submit to send your question. You may wish to make the table private to save distractions.

There are a few things worth thinking about these days, with over 18,300 questions it is possible the question you are sending is a repeat, if you use exactly the same wording it will not let you send the question but if one word changes it would still go through and I would have to delete it after. If you have played Quiz Party/duck racing remember the categories and what type of questions were sent there as it will help you choose better the categories for your questions. If you look at the styles of the question and the answers that come with it, it may help you with questions you wish to send in. We are really looking for questions that are different to what we have as it gives people playing the game a better variety. Quality is much better than quantity.

We are looking for a simple question with 3 realistic answers.


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Dernière édition par YNWA, 13.12.2020 11:59

3. ashishchhetri,

Iam using mobile phone so how to post quiz's question from mobile?

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4. YNWA,

I don't know about sending questions via mobile phone but I do have concerns that there are likely to be more mistakes made sending them that way making the validation work mor time consuming.

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5. Nikola,

there is effectively no menu item to do it from a phone.
However, Ynwa's concerns are valid, since it's a lot easier to proofread your question from a PC, unless you have an external keyboard, in which case you should be able to use the same instructions Ynwa outlined above.

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