audiovault is gone

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1. augma ,

good evening all
you guys have known about audiovault if no it is a websight on which we can download many movies and shows with audio descriptions. , today when I opened audiovault I got something like this
Whoops, something went wrong on our servers.
I think its permanently down.
and pleas share your thoughts about this
thanks mohit

Score: +0

2. Nikola,

I mean, what gave the conclusion that it's permanently down? No need to panic, they were probably doing some maintenance or something went down. I can access it just fine right now.

Score: +1

3. Spongebob,

You should read the posted news on their website. but anyways i'll post it here just in case if someone wants to read.

May 31, 2022
Hello all!
We are half way through 2022, and we hope and wish that all of you are doing well.
some important information for all of our users.
We are in the process of acquiring a new server and transfering the vault to it, as the current server has been running out of space.
Temporarily, all the newer titles that are uploaded to the vault will have a slightly altered download process than usual, where a different page will open once you have clicked on the download link , on it you will need to press the download button once again to initiate the download
meanwhile, all the older titles will be available to download normally, however there is a slight possibility that we might have to take the vault offline for about a week to transfer the data across, we will notify you all should that be necessary.
We are working and doing our best to obtain the new server and transfer data and minimise the downtime should it be necessary to the least amount possible, and we thank you all for understanding, contributing and of course supporting the vault..
suggest you to join their discord group for updates.

Score: +1

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