Duck racing tournament conclusion, congratulations to WaterWave (terminato)

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1. Nikola,

congratulations to WaterWave, for winning the Duck racing tournament and bringing some needed points to Iran! That was a first tournament for Iran in the world cup, and what a way to make it count.

In the final race, we had WaterWave, Blaise, SteveColmanAndFiveElements and Marina.

It was quite an exciting game, and in the end, WaterWave emerged as the winner, which, given the username, probably makes a lot of sense for this game...

Congratulations once again, and thanks to everybody who participated. Wishing you even more luck for the next one.
With that, let's have some more fun in March!

Punteggio: +3

Ultima edizione da Nikola, 26.02.2023 21:43:34

2. Speedo,

Heartiest congratulations to my siiis, I mean Waterwave!

Punteggio: +1

3. gemmi,

many many congratulations to water wave

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4. godfather,

And again I say, death will rise, from the tide! mrwaaaa! Congratulations waterwave.

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