Ninety nine tournament, congratulations to, you know who... Not Voldemort (terminato)

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Punteggio: +16

1. Nikola,

Hello all,
welcome to the March world cup tournament!

As you know if you followed the poll, the winner for this Month is Ninety nine.

Important notes:

  1. Many timezones are changing the clock this month. Please make sure you are familiar with the time change of your country, and of the CET timezone, on which the tournament is based. Clicking on the link to check the time should always give you the accurate time, taking time changes into account, if any.
  2. Keep in mind that the CET timezone is going one hour forward on Sunday morning, so depending on your country, the time on Sunday may be different, compared to Saturday. Assuming you pass the group stage, make sure to double check the time tomorrow.
  3. This is the last month where the time is 6 PM CET. For the next 3 months, we'll change the time.

Tournament information

The tournament will start on March 25th, at 6 PM central European time. If you are not sure what time this is in your country, either ask me, or visit this link.

This game is very simple, so this leaves me with very little work to do, and I have no rules to specify here. Thank you to Aminiel for making a very simple game!
More seriously, thanks also for adding a time limit, so after all, there is one rule to write. The time limit during the entire tournament will be 7 seconds, in order to allow everybody to play optimally, but at the same time to keep the games moving at a reasonable speed.

Just like for the Uno tournament in January, we will have a group stage, and on the second day a knockout stage, but all games will be 1 V 1. As usual, more info about the exact numbers will be given after the registration closes, which will be on Thursday, March 23rd.
The group stage will be played with 12 pennies, the knockout with 24, and finally, the final game of the tournament will be played with 36 pennies.

Once again a reminder, to register, write a message in this topic and mention the country you are coming from, either here or privately to me. As a reminder, we will try to accept registrations in such a way as to not have a huge amount of players from one country compared to all the others, so make sure to register quickly. Players who register first from a given country always have the priority, in case that country receives a large number of registered players.

Thank you in advance for your participation, and best of luck to everybody!

Quarterfinals draw:

  1. Prabhu VS Nikola,
  2. Cvetko-Novak VS X2
  3. X1 VS GodSaveTheQueen,
  4. SteveColmanAndFiveElements VS Caoimhe

Punteggio: +3

Ultima edizione da Nikola, 11.03.2023 22:09:11

2. blaise97,

hello, please count me in for canada as usual, thanks.

Punteggio: +0

3. GodSaveTheQueen,

My understanding is that we can play for any country. If this is the case, please count me in for Nauru. Thank you!

Punteggio: +1

4. liam-ggaster,

count me in from sudan

Punteggio: +0

5. Ryo-Bee,

Count me in from parts unknown. Thanks

Punteggio: +1

6. thePleyroom,

Hello! please count me in. from India

Punteggio: +1

7. chan,

count me in! representing India.

Punteggio: +0

8. rockstar2013,

Hi all,
Unfortunately, the link to check the time as posted in the first post of this thread doesn't seem to work, with the error "invalid input". May I know what time the mentioned tournament time would be in India?
Thank you in advance.

Punteggio: +0

9. thePleyroom,

Hello! replying to rockstar, 6 pm CET would be 10:30 pm IST. thanks!

Punteggio: +0

10. blaise97,

that's actualy weird, the link work perfectly fine here, i have realy no idea why that hapen...

Punteggio: +1

11. phoenix009,

Please count me in from India as well.

Punteggio: +0

12. Caoimhe,

Count me in as a replacement in case you need one.

Punteggio: +1

13. ibraheemmohsen,

I want to register.

Punteggio: +0

14. rockstar2013,

@sky360, thank you for your reply, it's very helpful.

Punteggio: +0

15. Negar,

Please count me in, I'll represent iran

Punteggio: +1

16. Vojvoda,

Count me in for Switzerland

Punteggio: +1

17. cristina ,

Hello, please count me in, I'm from Romania. Thanks!

Punteggio: +0

18. RoyMunson,

hi, please sign me up for Canada

Punteggio: +1

19. Aurora_borealis,

count me in, from indonesia

Punteggio: +1

20. M_A_G_A,

Please count me from the united States.

Punteggio: +0

21. choco,

Count me in, I'll represent Fiji, Thanks.

Punteggio: +1

22. Ryo-Bee,

I thought you were from or representing Japan Dustbin? If we're going to have an actual World Cup tournament, allowing people to change countries is ridiculous. Then, people can just contribute points to whichever country is winning or they want to win. At least, that person's initial country on signing up should always stand throughout.

Punteggio: +4

23. Epic_Krrish,

For your info Ryan, this is the organisers post Once again a reminder, to register, write a message in this topic and mention the country you are coming from, either here or privately to me. As a reminder, we will try to accept registrations in such a way as to not have a huge amount of players from one country compared to all the others, so make sure to register quickly. Players who register first from a given country always have the priority, in case that country receives a large number of registered players."",
A person has the full right and freedom to choose according to the registration thread, and there should be no problems if she decides to represent a country.. The organiser will decide, not sure what ichiness you having my friend. For the matter of fact you didn't even put any country's name, Ryo-Bee: Count me in from parts unknown. Thanks: today 00:56"".

Punteggio: +0

Ultima edizione da Epic_Krrish, 12.03.2023 22:33:24

24. godfather,

yeah and it's funny that this seems to be a problem and not the fact that they themselves are not really representing an actual country heheheh.

Punteggio: +1

25. Ryo-Bee,

Yes, "where you are coming from" and in the interest of upholding that it's pretty obvious someone changing countries is lying. Just like you presumed to speak for Dustbin, I thought it was more than respectable to point out to the organizer that it's not right to let the tournament be sabotaged.

Punteggio: +0

26. Nikola,

Hello all,
I would like to ask you to please move this discussion to the main world cup topic, so that we can concentrate on player registrations here.

I will just say my opinion about this, and if anybody has any suggestions/ideas, feel free to reply to the mentioned topic and continue it over there.

Originally, when I was writing the rules for the World cup, as specified, it says that you should indicate the country you're coming from.
I think it is fairly obvious that if you are coming from a country, the next month, that country will not change, as you are still from it.
Of course, it was my oversight not to indicate that you cannot change your country once you decide, and thus I apologize for that.

In any case, for this tournament, since it wasn't clear from the beginning, Dustbin's registration will be accepted with the mentioned country. For the future ones however, people won't be able to swap their countries at will, since that will create chaos, and indeed allow people to attempt to give certain countries an advantage one month, and then change it to another one for the next one.

Thank you for your understanding.

Punteggio: +2

27. Ryo-Bee,

Thanks Nikola. However, there is no oversight. You clearly said where the person is from. This is a matter of rules being misinterpreted rather, and should simply be clarified just like we do for any other. Withdraw my application to ninety-nine, thanks.

Punteggio: +0

28. prabhu,

i am late this time unfortunately, still if anyone needs a replacement or if there is a place, I will represent india

Punteggio: +0

29. Angelina-princess,

Time to gain more points for my country! :)
I am in! Thanks!

Punteggio: +0

30. Paulius,

Hello, please count me, from Lithuania.

Punteggio: +0

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