Scrabble tournament

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Punteggio: +2

1. Emerald,

Hi there,
Scrabble tournament is back. Note the date: Jan 28th is the closing date. Then I’ll post the groups in time for people to make plans for Feb 1st where games should start.
Ideally it will be an elimination round of one against one. Gradually we will make the group sizes bigger so round two could be three players and finals will be a game of 4 players with first, second and third places awarded.
Please look out for an inbox from me on 29th regarding groups or I’ll pm you if I find you online.
Any questions let me know and let’s have another bit of competition. F, U, N spells fun.
Thanks in advance

Punteggio: +0

2. JuneRose,

Lol...Sign me up please. That F U N comment had me worried at first, Chica. lol

Punteggio: +0

3. HeadphoneJack,

Sign me up

Punteggio: +0

4. Athlon,

sign up me. In regards to rules, what is the action on invalid word and thinking time limit?

Punteggio: +0

5. Emerald,

The standard way we play. Unlimited and pass but I’m going to add if a game is over an hour and a half you should just count scores and see who is the highest. This was after one game last tournament took too long and a player was having to stay up till the early hours of her morning. Just thought of this.

Punteggio: +0

6. browneye,

well. what'll be the timings? cause we're in different timezones. so, what time will it be on 1st feb?

Punteggio: +0

7. glad,

count me inn

Punteggio: +0

8. Emerald,

@browneye on 29th you will know your group and it will be up to you and the other person to figure out what time on Feb 1st suits you but if by any chance that date doesn’t suit both of you then I’m flexible. The way my tournaments run is that I generally give a set time frame for each round. After that I will make anoter date for round two and notify everyone. So long as everyone checks inbox and comunicates it can work out.

Punteggio: +0

9. Duchess,

Hi, go ahead and put my name down Em.

Punteggio: +0

10. MotherFarkle,

count me in too please! cant wait smiles

Punteggio: +0

11. dabdab,

Please register me too

Punteggio: +0

12. TheNewJerseyDevil,

Count me in, super excited!

Punteggio: +0

13. Emerald,

Please note that the priority of people taking part is based on reputation and ability to play, as in finish a game within a reasonable ttime. Those of you who have not played in a scrabble tournament before, will you please contact me in some way or another to discuss your participation. Thank you in advance.

Punteggio: +0

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