suggestion of adding a new game to the playroom: handcricket

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1. thePleyroom,

Hello! i would like to suggest a new game to the playroom: handcricket.
this is a very popular game in cricket playing nations, especially in the indian subcontinent. warning: this post is a bit long, so sit back and relax.
so the game is entirely based on the ideology of cricket, which is that the team batting 1st (team A) should try to score as much runs as possible in the number of wickets and overs given to them, and the team balling/fielding 1st (team B) should try to restrict their score to as less as possible.
and then when the 1st innings are over (when the team A loses all its wickets or has played all the overs allotted to them) the team fielding 1st (team B) will come to bat and try to score 1 run more than the 1st batting team (team A) has done in the number of wickets and overs allotted. while the team which had batted 1st (team A) now must go to the field and try to restrict this from happening.
team A winns the game if team B doesn't mannage to score more than what they had scored, where as team B winns the game if they mannage to score more than team A. if both scores are equal, then there will be a super over (discussed later in this post).
overs: overs are nothing but the number of balls allowed to a particular team to bat. so one over consists of 6 balls, and if the game is said to be of 10 overs, then each team is allowed to play 60 balls when they are batting. this should be custamizable in the options before game starts.
wickets: wickets are the number of outs allowed for each team, usually this is 10 in cricket. but should be custamizable in pr.
so now that all background information is given, time to move to the actual game.
hand cricket is the game of cricket where you use your hands to play instead of a bat and a ball. so the player who is batting and the player who is balling should both choose a number between 0 and 6 (because six is the maximum score that can be scored in a single ball in cricket), and if both players choices are different, then the person who is batting is given the score corresponding to the number he chose. i.e. if he chose 4 and the baller chose 2 then the batter is awarded 4 runs.
where as if the baller and batter both chose the same number, then the batter is said to be out and a new batter must come to play.
when all batters of one team are out or when set number of overs have been balled, then the teams switch turns batting and balling, and play till the 2nd team wins, or loses all its wickets or all overs have been balled.

super over: when the scores of both teams are tied, then both teams get to bat and ball one over. in this situation, the team who was batting 2nd should bat 1st, and both teams are allowed only 2 wickets. if the super over also ties, then the match is said to be drawn.

playing individually: when playing individually against one other person, then the number of overs and wickets should be set by the table master, and one person should bat untill he gets out the set number of times. i.e. if 3 wickets are set, then the person should bat untill he is out 3 times, and his score should be totaled.
same goes with the 2nd person. of corse this should also keep in mind the set number of overs.

playing in teams: when playing in teams, one player of the team should get chance to bat at a time, and once he gets out, another batter should get chance. so the number of wickets will be equal to the number of players in the team.
at the same time, one baller should get a chance to ball one over, when that's done, then the next baller.

deciding who will ball and bat at what time: to decide who will bat after whom, and who will ball which over, each team should have a captain who should be chosen at the start of the game, and he should be given the option to choose the next baller and batter.

deciding which team gets to bat 1st: at the start of the game, there should be a toss of the coin, one captain should get the option to choose heads or tails, and the other capton should flip the coin. the capton who winns the toss gets to choose whether his team bats 1st or bawls.

varients: there are 2 varients in the game, strike change and individual strike. in strike change varient, 2 batters can be sent into bat at one time, and one decides to take the strike. when the striking batter scores an odd number, the strike is passed to the other batter, and when the other batter scores an odd number, the strike is given to the 1st batter again.
except at the last ball of the over, if the batter scores an odd number, he should get to face the 1st ball of the next over and if he scores even number on the last ball, the other batter should get to face the 1st ball of the next over.
when coming to individual strike, only one batter is sent to bat at a time, and he keeps the strike with him untill he gets out.

aditional rules: there are also aditional rules like one baller can't ball 2 overs concicutively, and if there are sufficient members in a team, one baller cannot ball more than 1 fifth of the total overs.

people who are familiar with this game, please feel free to add if i've missed anything.

Punteggio: +1

2. Rizwan,

yes please add this game

Punteggio: +1

3. chan,

it would be pretty cool if it comes to qc.

Punteggio: +0

4. Aminiel,


I'm sorry, but I don't know at all cricket, the sport, so it looks quite complicated to me.
Cricket is almost totally unknown in my part of the world.

You don't mention at all if your game is a card game, dice game, board game, or whatever, nor what material to use exactly, nor what exactly you have to do when it's your turn to play.
These are some of the very first things to indicate in order to be clear.
Probably that I missed something that was obvious for you. If you could add precisions... please.

It isn't very clear either how many people there are in each team. Always only 2 ? Or there could be as many as we wish ?

Thank you for your proposition.

Punteggio: +2

5. thePleyroom,

Hello. 1st of all thankyou for reading this post and considering this suggestion.
so as mentioned in the above post, the game of cricket is usually played between 2 teams. there can be any number of members in a team, but not more than 11.
at any given time in the game, one team is batting and the other is balling. the team which is batting tries to score as many runs as possible, where as the team balling must try to get the batting team out as fast as possible.
the actual game of cricket is played with bat and ball. but handcricket is a form of cricket played more with the use of your mind rather than the use of physical strength.
so i'll try to explain by taking the example of a real world sinario.
so for the sake of this example, lets say there is only one person in a team. so person A and person B.
before the game starts, there must be a toss of the coin. here, one person gets to choose heads or tales, and the other person gets to toss the coin. this is decided randomly. so lets say A gets the coin, so B should choose heads or tales. now, lets imagine B called heads, but the coin came tales so here we can say that A won the toss, because B didn't predict the coin correctly. where as if the coin came out to be heads, then B has won the toss because he predicted the coin correctly.
the person who has won the toss gets to choose what he wan'ts to do 1st, bat or ball. here A had won the toss, so he gets to choose. lets say he decided to bat 1st.
now begins the actual play, there is no cards, board, or dice required for this game, it is all based on the smartness of the players.
so the game is played as follows:
both A and B should choose a number between 0 and six. they can choose any number they wan't as long as it is in the range of 0 to six..
so lets imagine A chose six, and B chose 4. now sinse A is batting, his score is increased by 6 because he chose 6. and Since B is balling, the number he chose is ignored for now. and each time the number is chosen by both players, it is counted as one ball.
lets say this went on for a while, and A's score is now 23. and on the next ball, A and B chose the same number. that is, both chose 2 and 2. here A is out, because the baller B managed to predict A's move. so when ever both batter and baller choose the same number, the batter is out.
so now A is out, so both players now must switch turns and A will start balling, and B now batting.
now lets imagine B has scored 10 runs, and then A managed to predict B's move and both players chose 6 and six. now since B managed to get only 10 runs, where as A got 23, A wins the game. where as if B had managed to get more than 23 runs without getting out, then B would have won the game.
so this is the vary basic form of the game, how ever, there are few more rules to make the game more interesting.
sometimes, lets say B doesn't manage to predict A's move at all, and A is just going on scoring runs upon runs. that's why there is a concept called overs, which sets the limit to number of balls a team can bat for, once the set number of overs have been balled, even if the batting team hasen't lost all of their wickets, that is, even if everyone from the batting team is not out. the team must switch turns, and the batting team must go to ball, and the balling team must go to bat.
so i think this combined with the above post should have given you a basic idea of how the game works. if my explainations aren't clear, maybe you can try googling this game, and also if any rules are not properly implemented, we can make appropriate suggestions during beta testing of the game. again, thankyou very much for taking the time to consider this suggestion and responding.

Punteggio: +1

6. Kannadiga,

yes this game looks very interesting.

Punteggio: +0

7. DB8275,

Yes it is the interesting game. Please add in the Gameroom.

Punteggio: +1

8. phoenix009,

As someone who has grown up playing this game, I would love to see it here.
That said, it is also heavily dependent on luck because you don't know what the other side will put, so not so sure if everyone would enjoy it.

Punteggio: +0

9. Spongebob,

@phoenix009 The game is not entirely dependent on luck; there are strategies that can be employed while playing. For instance, if you and I are playing and you have scored a 6 two times in a row, you may consider rolling a 6 again as you have been having good luck with it in this round. However, I may also have the same thought and roll a 6, which could lead to your defeat. Additionally, if you are playing defensively, I may be able to discern your strategy. I believe this game is not just a variation of Farkle where one just rolls the dice and moves on, relying solely on luck.

Punteggio: +1

10. YNWA,

Although I love sport games, this is too much like Rock, paper, scissors where you pick between 0 and 6 but in real cricket 5 is rarely scored, . Least with the football audio game suggestion there is some reality because the penalty taker and the player have to decide where to dive or where to put the ball.

Punteggio: -1

Ultima edizione da YNWA, 28.01.2023 10:53:46

11. Zelon,

would be nice if it gets added, nice idea

Punteggio: +0

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