New keyboard gestures for leave and stop table master (rifiutato)

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1. horse,

I'm curious why control q isn't used for leaving a table, because often people press q by accident. Also goes for x to stop a table, control x would prevent accidental keystrokes. I'm sure there is a reason for this and I can't be the first one to ask about it.

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2. Nikola,

Well, for CTRL X, that shortcut is a standard windows hotkey to cut the text, so blocking that would be quite annoying.

For the other one, no particular prefernce for me, there is a confirmation for both actions whenever they are important.

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3. aims,

then in that case at least shift ctrl x can work?

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4. Nikola,

At the moment, that one is used to change the table master.

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5. Aminiel,


This has been asked several times. Although some of these shortcuts are arguably inconsistent, I'm probably not going to change them, as they are well established since the beginnning of the playroom or almost. Unless of course because of a very good reason.

In any case for both Q and X you have a confirmation when a game is in progress, so you normally shouldn't leave or stop by accident so easily.

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6. horse,

Right they have been around since the beginning, so don't fix it if it ain't broke. Figured so.

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