Suggestion of 2 additional settings for the domino game

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1. fauzan_january,

I would like to propose 2 additional settings for the domino game which we usually use as domino game settings in Indonesia. Maybe this could be considered to be applied to domino games in the playroom. This setting can also be made optional. This means that players can choose whether to use this setting or not.

  • The initial value threshold is 11 points. This means that when a player has finished the first round, but his points are still below 11, his points are not counted. If the points are 11+ then the points are calculated. So, before reaching the initial point threshold, the player's points have not been recorded in the score, i.e. they are still zero points. This setting can be used for individual or team play.
  • The owner of double 0 or the smallest double gets the initial turn. This means that when the game first starts, the player who has double 0 is the player who will have the first turn to remove his cards. If there are less than 4 players at the table in a double 6 card game, then the player with the smallest double card takes the first turn. For example, if there is no player who has double 0, then the one with double 1 gets the first turn. If neither player has double 0 or double 1, then the one with double 2 gets the first turn. And so on.
  • Hopefully my proposal can be accepted. This is a suggestion from me and my friends who often play dominoes in the playroom.
    Thank You.

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2. Aminiel,


For your second proposition, that's already the case in Mexican train, in Fives and threes, and in Dominos on the first round, but in reverse: the player with the highest double goes first, rather than the lowest double. Then, the player who finished the previous round goes first on the next one.
Should your rule stay only for the first round, or all the time ?
In any case it's quite simple to add, but also not especially game changing either, so not very important or urgent in my opinion.

For your first proposition, I think it doesn't make sense, given that your goal is to score as few as possible. I'm not sure that the effect would be very desirible.

Let's think about it: at the beginning of the game, you are protected. You are allowed to lose a little, several rounds in a row, maybe almost during the whole game, as long as you don't lose too much (don't reach the limit in a single round). But once you have crossed the limit, you lose faster, as everything counts. It's difficult to recover from the hasard of a bad hand against other players who are still protected.

It's very different and exactly the opposite than the initial limit in Farkle, or the entering score in Rummy, where you have to put a greater effort at the beginning of the game in order to start winning.

So I'm not convinced that it would work very well in Dominos with an elimination scoring logic.
What do other people think about it ?

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