New Game: Sedma

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1. Space-Rage,


My Friend from Slovakia has told Me about a Cool Game

it's called Sedma

This Game is most interesting for Two players or four players in team. It can also be played by Three, each playing for themselves.
Normally a 32-Card German-suited pack is used, with ace, king, over, under, Ten, Nine, Eight and Seven in each of The suits Acorns, Leaves, Hearts and Balls. If necessary a French-suited 32-Card pack could be substituted. When Three play, two unimportant Cards - normally two Eights or one Eight and one Nine're removed from The pack, leaving 30 Cards.
In The Game, aces and Tens're worth 10 points each. Other Cards're worthless, but The last trick's worth 10 points, for a total of 90 points in each Hand.
Deal and play are clockwise.
The dealer deals four Cards to each player, usually Two at a Time. The remaining Cards are stacked face down.
In The second and subsequent Hands The Cards're shuffled and dealt by The loser (One of The losers) of The previous Hand, and The winner (a Member of The winning Team) leads to The first trick. In a Four-players Game this means that if The dealing side wins The turn to deal passes to The left, while if The dealing Team loses The turn to deal passes to The dealer's Team.
The player to dealer's left leads to The first trick, and The other players in turn each play a Card. Any Card may be played to a trick. When Everyone's played a Card, The player who played first to The trick has two Options:

  1. end The trick, in which case it's won by The last player who played a Card that's equal to The first Card played to The trick or a Seven;
  2. continue The trick by playing another Card that's equal to The first Card or a Seven.
  3. If The first player continues The trick, The other players must each in turn play another Card to it, after which The first player has The same options. The first player may choose to continue The trick for a third round, and again for a fourth round by continuing to play Sevens orCcards that match The very first Card of The trick. The trick ends when The first player chooses to stop or everyone has played all Four of Their Cards. The winner's The last Person who either matched The card that began The trick or played a Seven. The winner gathers All The Cards played to The trick and stores Them face down - in a Team Game Team Members keep Their tricks together in a single pile. Then beginning with The winner of The trick, The players take turns to draw The top Card from The face down pack, continuing until They all have four Cards again. The winner of The trick then begins a new trick by leading any Card.
    When The pack runs out, The play continues as before using The Cards that remain in The players' Hands, until all the Cards have been played.
    Examples of play. The players are Marko, Monika, Nekola, and Nekolet and The Cards're abbreviated to A, K, O, U, 10, 9, 8, 7. Marko begins The first trick.
    • Marko: 9, Monika: 10, Nikola: U and Nikolet: 9, Marko: 9, Monika: 7, Nikola: 8 and Nekolet: 10. Marko decides to continue for a second round because Nekolet's winning, but Monika has a 7 and takes The trick, and Nikola's able to give His Team Member another 10. Marko has no more 9's or 7's so has to stop. Everyone draws two Cards. Monika won The trick so starts The next One.
    • Monika: A, Nekola: 7, Nikola: A, Marko: K. Monika's satisfied with this and stops. Everyone draws a Card. Nekolet won so begins The next trick.
    Note that in Sedma (unlike some other related Games) You're allowed to continue a trick even if You or Your Team Member're currently winning. It's sometimes advantages to do so if Your Opponents seem to be under pressure, and may have to give You an Ace or Ten if You don't give Them a chance to draw new Cards.
    When All of the Cards have been played, each player or Team counts 10 points for each Ace or Ten They've in Their tricks, and The player or Team that won The last trick counts 10 points extra, for a total of 90 points in The Game.
    • If No player or Team has all 90 points, The player or Team with most points wins 1 Chips.
    • A player or Team that wins all 90 points, butn't all The tricks, wins 2 Chips.
    • If One player or Team wins all of The Cards, They win 3 Chips.
    In a 3-players Game The winner's paid by both Opponents. If Two players tie for most points, The third player pays them 1 chip each. If All tie (30 each) there's no payment.

There're several different ways of scoring.
• The Chips may just be recorded as points for The winning side, and The first to an agreed target, for example 10 points, wins The Game. (In The 3-players Game you'd give The winner 1, 2 or 3 points, or both winners 1 point in The event of a 2-ways tie).
• In a Two- or Four-players Game, some played that The winning player or Team scores the difference in Card points between The Two Teams and a running total of each team's points're kept.
• Some played that each player or Team scores the points that They took. Some played that There're 100 points available in each Hand: 80 for The Aces and Tens, 10 for The last trick, and 10 extra points that go into a Pool. When a player or Team wins All of the points in a Hand and The last trick, They score 100 points plusAall points that've accumulated in The Pool, which's thereby reduced to zero.
In Slovakia, there're no extra points for The last trick. The turn to deal passes to The next player at The end of a hand only if The declaer's opponents took at least 60 points in Cards; otherwise The same player deals again.
Spálená kaše (burned mash). Some played that in a Two- or Four-players Game, if a trick consists of four Cards of The same rank played consecutively - for example 9, 9, 9, 9 - The fourth players (or The fourth player's Team) immediately wins the hand for 1 Chip. Some played that in case of a burned Seven (spálená sedma: a consisting of four Sevens), The fourth players immediately wins the hand for 3 Chips. Some play a Spálená kaše's worth 4 Stakes. Some play an ordinarySspálená kaše is worth 5 Chips, burned tens are worth 10 Chips and burned sevens are worth 15 Chipss.

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2. Slavista,

Didn't you post about it allready? Isn't sedma and Sedmice the same? :P

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3. Space-Rage,

LOL not much same in Serbian Version

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4. Shewolf ,

sorry, that reacting at old post, just wondering which slovak, since here aren't much slovaks whose like to talk to rahman.

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