a sound for kick from tables

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1. The-Chaos,

hi guys, I suggest adding in a sound for the event of you being kicked from the tables. thank you.

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2. The_Frisbee_of_Peace,

That actually wouldn't be a bad idea. Sometimes you're not aware you've been unceremoniously thrown out until you check the history or you're told you cannot speak at this table while chatting. It'd be cool if ew could get this in the next client update.

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3. Mich240,

I agree. That would be a good idea. It would be very useful.

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4. YNWA,

the sound of a swanee whistle would be fun

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5. Ramon-Salazar,

I agree

I sometimes notice lately that I've been kicked from a table

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6. StormProductions,

Agreed of course. Good idea.

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7. Naday,

Agree. Kicked and/or banned. And at a different topic, also for suddenly disconnection and connection, note that I don't mean logging out and in.

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8. Nikola,

Yes, it could be very useful indeed. Perhaps not as much in the English part, but worse than being told you are unable to speak at this table is if a message goes through to the main room, which happens in other languages. While we are on the subject of sounds, one thing I would personally like to see in a future update is a different sound for an invitation and a private message. Those two are not similar in my opinion and should have a sound difference.

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9. The_Frisbee_of_Peace,


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10. phoenix009,

I agree

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11. godfather,

thanks, you great king and ruler of the 8 relms, you mighty king of the 7 kingdoms, you who' no enemy can face, in front of who all the wrong doers bend to their nees, you great magisty i bow to your powers. we all greatly truely and really value your agreement to this crutial matter. :D

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12. majoz,

Except for the last post by godfather I give a thumbs up on every other post here. :D

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13. godfather,

except for majoz's post here i give a thumbs down to every other post here. :D

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14. lord-of-Lightning ,

yeah, a sound of a hard kick and a slamm of a door will do

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15. Fawaz,

What about triple kick sound from CP ;)

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16. godfather,

woooooo yeeees!

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17. phoenix009,

Hey, the tripple kick sound sounds fun, or even the Hard kick!

What about a harsh taunt, without swearing so that people, who um don't swear, can enjoy that?

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18. dragonoid,

or the rooky kick from manamaun? d

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19. phoenix009,

Rookie kick and Rookie Punch!

We should be allowed to punch players at tables!

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20. Alan1003,

Um, maybe we could do a different sound for, like, um, notifications, like yore turn when you're in a different window, and, friend requests, and, inbox mesages.

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21. godfather,

You know, doing that wouldn't be hard if the sounds in question were actually same sounds, but different files. In this case however, its the same file with one name, that the dev just asked the program to play in say 3 or 4 different sinarios. Although even i can agree its the most wise and smart approach, it does make it hard when you're trying to make your soundpacks, like i did(which i may be releasing soon who knows) so say if i wanted a separate kick sound i can't put that in, as the leave table and kick sound is the same file so if i change that to say, you know a rookey kick sound or whatever from manamon or some sound from cp, it will also change the table leave sound so whenever you leave the table you will hear you being kicked by a fyst hahahaha.
good day

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22. phoenix009,

Oh right!

Amanuel should change the code there!

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23. Alan1003,

I know, How do you change a sound pack?

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24. godfather,

you put in your own sounds in the folder?

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25. Alan1003,

Umm, different sounds like umm i don't know.

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26. phoenix009,


The PR should have a feature to share sound packs!

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27. Alan1003,

not the same sound, like a um, clap for a friend request, a mail box for a inbox mesage, and so on and so on.

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28. facelessghost,

Hello everyone!
Indeed, the idea is good, especially when someone is kicked out of the game table.
But this man did not see the message history.

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29. Mohammedradwan2003,

fully agreed

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30. godfather,

necromancers galore!

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