playroom stats and member's manners etc...

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1. Galileo,

I don't really know if this is the correct place to post this, but I am going to rant here anyway.
It drives me absolutely up the wall when people leave a game just because they are losing and they can't handle it, so they just quitt the table and don't even say anything. they don't even tell the other player that they have won. they just leave.

When you play a game you're not just doing it for your own enjoyment. You're adding to someone elses enjoyment, and you should be aware of that when you decide to play something, and play it to the end or at least have the decency to tell someone that they have won and admit that before leaving.

this is the single most annoying thing about the playroom experience. that half the games I play get left by people who don't have enough emotional maturity to play a simple game and lose gracefully.

I would like to suggest that a section to the playroom be added to show what members win what, and if someone leaves the game the person who is left is automatically credited with a win.

at least then we would get something for our trouble when emotionally immature people decide to go off and cry because they lost.

sorry, but this really is driving me mad.

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2. Aminiel,


In fact, it could be even interesting to have in stat per ce for this: the number of times, or the frequency with which a player leaves in the middle of a game without being replaced.

This is not urgent, but why not. Unfortunately, there is not much to do with people behaving like that; they are just bad losers, and they should learn by themselves that being so don't encourage others to play with them.

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3. out_and_about ,

I confess that sometimes i leave tables in the midle of a game. But, not for loosing, but for other reasons. For example, when i am playing uno and my conection is very low.
Regarding rude people who you ar talking about, there are people who really try to make this game a bad time. One day, i was playing cribbage, and the other player (i don't want to mention him or her), when realise that i was scoring in thee wrong way, sayd to me "yes, that's how i like it", or things like that. It made me very nervious and i had to leave the game.
I tell you that not because i want moderators to do something for these kind of people, but because i think that it's a place for us to debate about our experiences.

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4. Galileo,

I have grown to recognise that when people have a poor connection the game disconnects them and then they can reconnect, but too often people just leave when they are losing and it is so obvious that they are just leaving the game to be horrible people to the other players. and why not have a statistics section? it would be interesting and informative for everyone on a number of things.

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Ultima edizione da Galileo, 11.12.2014 03:53:16

5. aravis,

hello, everyone,

all you say can be true that people leave the table without congratulating for your win, but did you try to look at this problem from another angle? this is a multilingual community we have here in the playroom, especially in the english part of it, you often find yourselves in a game with someone who knows only one english word: fast! let alone hi and goodbye, and thus are unable to tell you they have to leave the table for certain reasons in the middle of the game. i'm not saying there are any favorites of mine among such people who i might defend if i wanted to, only that there's always some explanation to the problem.

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6. whozitken,

Hi have had people leavein mid game a lot I'm usually tollerent and can tell for example a player is new to a game slow play and bad decisions made by players from lack of experience. then out of frustration they leave. not usually worried about that. but today had a really bad experience that likely cost me a game. a third player came in screen name Aliezamrzban or something like it and starting to chat in the game. not sure but when I didn't reply to his messages or say hi to him back he begins to send chat messages that say, "whozitken has been banned from the playroom. I was now distracted by this and knocked myself out of a hand during 99 having lost my concentration trying to figure out what was happening. so as table master kicked him out. he came back in. this time I banned him from the table. a few seconds later he send the chat message, "fuck your mother" my mother is dead BTW so block city so if you get this alizeramzban or what ever it is block him immediately. that is the first time I've incluntered a rood or abusive player here or on RS games. RS games however had the same problem with quitters who quit when they lost. I had the same guy do it seven time and I outed his name in the RS games discussion and he was so ticked off he wanted me to be banned from RS games. as a result moderators were put in place monitoring conduct and now on RS games a abusive player can be reported. I did message the admins after this had happened. I see he's back online. but can't remember the spelling of this jerk's screen name but by impacting that hand of 99 it ended up being the deciding factor in the game I lost squarely because of him. I think my opponent knew this guy was a jerk because I chatted to him to wait while I blocked him and he laughed.

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