error in quizz party

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31. Nikola-Jovic ,

Yes, that is true.

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32. YNWA,

There is nothing wrong with stopping it for a few days if it means that everything gets sorted out. It would mean that the quiz gets taken down, a blank quiz is put back and all existing questions from the database is put back. It is better to do it while the quiz is at 3000 questions than 10,000 when you may have more issues. There is not a huge number of questions in Languages and human sciences so not sure even if all questions were validated that it would change anything.

It is a suggestion so Aminiel can decide on what he wants to do but that is my suggestion for what it is worth.

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33. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Agreed with _YNWA there. The first time I agree with you LL. But once again, after several tires my discovery indicates that it does work randomly on all questions and not certainly on a chosen specification

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34. Nikola-Jovic ,

I do not disagree with stopping it of Aminiel finds it's needed, but i simply think it's not needed. We had major bugs in other games too, and they weren't stopped

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35. YNWA,

I am not suggesting it should be stopped forever, why would I want to do that after all the effort so many people have put into creating the game. My suggestion is remove the game from the English part then move all the existing questions we have into the new quiz and see if that works especially as Aminiel said it works properly on other platforms.

There are 2 other options. We either accept no more questions for now and Validate everything we have now and see what happens or unvalidate all validated questions to see what happens. I think the first option could work best but as I said before that is for Aminiel to decide.

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36. Nikola-Jovic ,

Yes, i understand you only said to temporarily stop it, but i don't think that's easily doable, especially part with moving questions.

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37. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Hell LOL, starting from 0 with questions is a pain. But yeah I agree, at least there are currently 3000 questions before the amount becomes higher and that would rather make it harder to distinguish and resolve!

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38. Amine,

And so what is ctg0: 2. I never sau that in the categories and it has two questions either :D

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39. Dayan ,

That's why I was saying there's something wrong in the format :D

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40. Nikola-Jovic ,

Starting with 0 will make a lot of people unhappy, just think about those who send over 200 questions, they need to send them again cause of a bug.

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41. Cristina ,

Oh noooo! if I should start again to submit all those question what I've submited already, then I think, i won't be able. It was a too big effort for me to do that.
And now I am confused, should we stop to submit untill a decision will be taken to solve that bug or what?

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42. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Well, since the quizzeries have already received the questions, they can return back and read the questions that they received. Then copy them somewhere else until Aminiel deletes the data and reset it again

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43. Aminiel,

Don't worry, deleting the questions and throwing away all the work done so far is a perfect non-sense; it wouldn't solve anything. The quiz will stay as it is and of course I hope that I will eventually find the solution.

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44. Nikola-Jovic ,

Guys, simply take that as any other bug in any other game, i see no reason to stop accepting new questions cause of an error which doesn't even stop the game. Yes, we can't get some questions properly, but that doesn't mean we can't play the game at all unless of course Aminiel thinks the bug is related to some question, then of course this doesn't apply. But if it isn't, the code will eventually be fixed and has nothing to do with people submitting questions in my opinion.

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45. YNWA,

Of course deleting all the existing questions makes no sense but moving them should be looked at. I would not want to delete all the hard work we all have done. I am just wandering if they could be moved to another place and put back with another version of the quiz party client.

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46. Peggy_Bella420,

Not sure where to say this, but whenever i would go to signal a question to write about problems with the question, it says something like the question could not be signaled due to an error or something. Can't remember it exactly word for word.

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47. Amine,

It's not like this eror even bothers, ignnoring that category is easy. I am totally against starting over from 0 it doesn't even make sense.

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48. Nikola-Jovic ,

Interface for signaling questions is a bit well... Not so intuitive unless you are the table master.

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49. balasana ,

I have a copy of all my questions so it doesn't bother me regardless.
The error showed up in other categories, and even in language category the game went through at times. I have only played two short games so far and hope my observation helps.
I personally would suggest stopping submission but not the game itself. Last time I checked there are still more than 1k questions pending validation. When they are all done the bug might have fixed. If not the fully validated data might offer more flexibility and less waste of our efforts.

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50. YNWA,

The good news is more questions are being accepted through the language Category as Balasana says. If you have any issues then send error reports so Aminiel can view them.

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51. Aminiel,

With the lastest update of yesterday evening, the error should happen less often. Tell me if you fill it's indeed the case or not.

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52. Nikola-Jovic ,

Good job Aminiel, I was indeed able to select languages category and get a question. Not sure how often now the error happens, but definitely doesn't always happen anymore.

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53. prince-makusu ,

This may be out of subject but well... aminiel, we should remake the yes and no answers to the quiz.

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54. Nikola-Jovic ,

Which yes and no answers?

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55. Myszojelen,

For me the bug is still pretty much happening most of the time when chosing the "Languages and humanities category".

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56. prince-makusu ,

@nikola, i mean when it says that's a bad or good answer. :)

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57. Nikola-Jovic ,

Aha OK, and what should be changed there?

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58. Paddy_Irishman,

I think what he/she is suggesting is that we do not find out if our answers are right or wrong until everyone has submitted an answer. personally i do not see any point in this, but i think that is what was proposed in the previous post.

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59. Nikola-Jovic ,

Ah well if it's that then yeah it's not needed.

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60. Fawaz,

Today while playing QP got this error in human science twice, in a row.
I've saved the game view, not sure where to send it.
another thing: why we can't signal questions anymore? even the master couldn't signal.
more than one question I tried to signal today and few days back, getting the same error:
The question couldn't be signaled. An error occurred.

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