A strange thing is happening

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1. bogdanmuresan,

Hi all. FIrst of all, I want to wish you all a happy new year. I am writing here a strange problem that it happens. In 24th of december I went In a treep and when I come back a week later, I discovered that I was banned from the server. The problem is that I don't understand the reason. Can you explayn me Aminiel what is wrong. If it is something wrong my appologies. I was in a holiday and don't know what was happenned. When I come back and try to play with other people, I discovered that my acount was killed. I don't have an intention to make something bad so if I received an warning before, I am shure that i fix it. Thanks allot. Best regards, Bogdan.

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2. mayya,

Hello Bogdanmureson

Please tell us, when you went to your trip, did you have the same nickname? If yes, that is strange because you do not figure in our list of banned users, so the problem does not come from us. If you had another nickname, could you provide it here please? Otherwise send me it in a permanent message or via the f4 key?

And normally if you are banned, a reason shall be present on the ban message? Could you give it to us as well?

Many thanks


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3. bogdanmuresan,

Hello. I am using this nickname for some years. My nickname is bogdanmuresan. It appears that the reason was abuse but I don't insult other, no spamming, no things like that. Before going in the treep, I was able to connect. Only when I was back I discoverred that I was banned.

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4. Exink,

Hey Mayya, are you from the staff now? I ask it because I don't know that you can enter to the baned users list. If this is so, welcome! Otherwise, this is funny, because I don't understand it...

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5. mayya,

Yes I do, and you will get the official announcement very soon from the staff

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6. mayya,

Bogdemmurisan, You have been unbanned now.

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7. Exink,

Yes I do, and you will get the official announcement very soon from the staff

Oh, great! I'm glad for having more staff for the playroom, specially in English! And sorry if I have sounded a little rude, and also sorry for my mistakes in english. Welcome to the crew, and congratulations! :)

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Ultima edizione da Exink, 06.01.2015 16:33:23

8. bogdanmuresan,

I am not shure what is happening. I tryed to connect butthe bann reappears but I discoverred something new. I can connect from other laptops. Maybe my phisicall adress? Also I can not connect other accounts from my laptop.

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Ultima edizione da bogdanmuresan, 06.01.2015 17:54:11

9. mayya,

Bogdammurisan, yes indeed, you are banned and we are no longer going to unban your account.

First, you have more than 30 accounts and this is strictly forbidden on the playroom. You are allowed to have only one account.If you are borred with your Nickname, you can change it or what you can do is just to disactivate your account and create a new one.

Second, you are using other laptops to change your IP and this is also forbidden, we have systems to detect that and we will keep banning any user who abuses of that.

So this is a worning for you and for others, please do not use any multiple accounts at the same time because you will finish by getting banned.

This topic will remain online for 24 hours and then will get deleted.


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10. doctor ,

Hello. I'm sorry, but the same issue has happened to me. I didn't do any bad things but I can't come to playroom even with another ID! please help me because me & my sister have banned from playroom for no good reason.

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Ultima edizione da doctor , 16.07.2015 22:08:04

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