1. medhansh,
all participating players are informed that the tournament will start at 2:15 pm Indian standard time please join. regards.
Pontuação: -3
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Pontuação: -1
all participating players are informed that the tournament will start at 2:15 pm Indian standard time please join. regards.
Pontuação: -3
May I kindly ask you to stop spamming the forum with it and keep everything in a single topic?
Pontuação: +3
surely i apolojise and will stop. but if operators will worn me ok
Pontuação: -1
that's quite enough. This topic will be closed, and please stop creating more than one topic just to ask people to join the same tournament. It creates the opposite effect. Now I just don't want to join any tournament if I know the organizer is impatient.
If people aren't joining, there is a reason for that. As a tournament organizer, you need to be a little more responsible. I'll give you a few examples. But before I do that, the how to organize a tournament topic is the most useful resource you will need.
In your multiple games tournament, you write this:
exploding kittens: thinking time 5 seconds. reaction time sorry.
This sounds like you are talking to me on the phone and explaining the rules, not writing a forum post. If you noticed a mistake (we all make them), edit it from your post and write the correct version.
chess . thinking time 60 seconds.
Thinking time in Chess is written in minutes, not seconds, so now I don't understand if you wrote the time in seconds for some reason, or you wanted 60 minutes. The first possibility is highly unlikely (in case you're not aware, in Chess, this is the total time each player has for the entire game, so one minute is quite useless), but your players aren't supposed to guess what you tried to say. As a general rule, create a table of any game before hosting a tournament, go through its options one last time, and write down exactly what you wanted to do.
For an example of a well-written tournament post, you may check the latest Uno tournament.
Obviously, that's not to say we just copy-paste what is already written somewhere, we all have our unique style, but writing a tournament post is in a way like writing a presentation, players will judge whether it was good or not and join, or not.
One last thing that didn't help you is your reputation from a previous tournament you hosted. I am talking about this Uno tournament topic.
It doesn't matter if you lost early or not, you as the organizer should definitely stay until the end and collect the needed scores. Of course, real-life commitments can always get in the way, in this case, you need to assign responsible table masters who will help you get the results. It's going to take some time before you demonstrate your commitment again and show to other players that you can organize a smoothly running tournament. It may be better to do it together with someone else at first.
In any case, best of luck with any future tournaments, and as long as you take everything from the "how to organize a tournament" topic into account, you should have a successful tournament in no time.
Pontuação: +3
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