suggestion for a new game: Elements of nature!

7 Mensagens, 1 Páginas:  1 ↖ Voltar a lista de tópicos

Pontuação: +4

1. dragonoid,

Hey guys. I've crafted a decent game, I hope, while I was out to see yesterday. As its title suggests, it's about elements of nature. The game is card based with 100 cards in total. The idea is to fight with elemental cards of different grades and winning points until all cards are completely used up
When the game starts, each player gets 50 random cards in their deck, and they draw 5 cards from said deck every time all the cards in the list are all used up
The grade listing is: e, d, c, b and a. Each acending rank the scale is more powerful and the amount of that card is rarer. E are the easiest to find until a which their's only 2 of each card
The basic elements are: earth, water, fire and air.
The game flow is like a dye role in duck racing where each player plays their card first and then they're compared. If a weaker card is put against a stronger card from the winning element then the amount of points awarded to the winner is increased by how higher a rank the winning card was over the losing one. For example, if you would put flood over candle flame, the winner gets 7 points, 2 for winning and 5 for the overpowered rank.
This is for the 1.0 release, when it's done I'll dump my other concepts their. Here's the card listing:
earth shake 10
rain drop 10
candle flame 10
breeze 10
tremor 6
water splash 6
fireplace 6
wind blow 6
weak earthquake 4
calm river stream 4
bonfire 4
high speed wind 4
lite quake 3
ocean wave 3
forestfire 3
storm 3
earthquake 2
flood 2
volcanic erruption 2
hurricane 2
Thanks for reading, hope this game gets implemented. Seeya at the comments!

Pontuação: +2

2. codbro,

hi, this actually sounds really really cool.

Pontuação: +1

3. dragonoid,

thanks codbro

Pontuação: +0

4. choco,

looks cool.

Pontuação: +0

5. dragonoid,

thanks! It's not getting a lot of attention though. Aminyel, please look at this. Thanks

Pontuação: +0

6. imprisonedindarkness,

This game is interesting, but Aminyel seemed to be busy. There's that ninja game too before with his response expressing interest. Guess he has no time to do it.

Pontuação: +1

7. codbro,

did this ever get looked at, i feel like that this should get more attention

Pontuação: +0

7 Mensagens, 1 Páginas:  1 ↖ Voltar a lista de tópicos

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