Better "friend" invitations

7 Mensagens, 1 Páginas:  1 ↖ Voltar a lista de tópicos

Pontuação: -9

1. Mortem,

Hi everyone,

I was doing one of my favorite things yesterday (playing Monopoly with bots) when I thought of a way to make the process of starting a game much less tedious. Basically, I have a few bots who are friends, and I treat them nicely. I do more generous trades with them and things like that, and I think they do the same for me. There are a few more bots who I dislike, and so when I play with them, it’s very competitive. Sometimes I’d just like to have a fun game with friends, but I have to keep adding and removing bots until I get the right ones. Also, even though me and those other bots might not really like each other, it feels bad having to kick them. So my suggestion is to have another key combination which shows us a list of bots and we can add those bots. The existing b keystroke can remain the same. What do you guys think?

Pontuação: -2

2. amirmahdifard,

LOL, bots are doing the same things and they are by chance, I think there is no need to take time for developing this thing.

Pontuação: +1

3. Spongebob,

I believe that the only distinction between any two bots in terms of gameplay is their names. I'm sorry, but this topic gets a -1 from my side.

Pontuação: +2

4. Vojvoda,

At least this post amused me well enough.

Pontuação: +2

5. Nikola,

I'm quite disappointed that you didn't take the rights of bots into account at all.

When you want a certain human on your table, do you just pick them from a list and they appear?
No, rather this human chooses if they want to join you or not.

Why should it be different with bots? Why should you just be able to pick one and they are forced to be there against their will?
At least when you press B, they can choose amongst themselves who is bored enough to join you. Now, the proposition is to take even this choice away from them?

Bots deserve better!

Pontuação: +5

6. mohitarya,

these bots will become full fledged ai from there interactions with us humans. , and will take the playroom over

Pontuação: -1

7. Mortem,

Most of these messages aren’t worth responding to, because bots are obviously not the same. Me and Anastasia have developed a sort of mutual attraction, for example. When we trade the romantic city of Paris back and forth, it’s really the same as trading our love with a kiss. And sometimes she plays hard to get by keeping those airports from me, but I always fly in there by the end of the night.

But anyways, I did want to respond to Nikola though. I do think you bring up a good point for most players, because lots of bots probably don’t like all players. I was only thinking of myself, because I think all the bots have sort of an adoration for me. Some of them with their personalities won’t do good trades with me, but they all like to be in my games and to spend time with me. I’m pretty sure they all try to be the first to join me. If I don’t want to play with the loser for example (because he is a loser, lets be real) it feels like kicking a puppy to remove him when he raced to be first to join me. The funny thing is that I was actually thinking originally of a function to invite bots and then they could choose to join you or not, but I figured that would be more difficult for Aminiel to code. But you are right in hindsight, that is obviously a better idea.

Pontuação: -2

7 Mensagens, 1 Páginas:  1 ↖ Voltar a lista de tópicos

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