Would love a do-not-disturb mode

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Pontuação: -4

1. phoenix009,

I find that I keep the playroom open for a lot of time. But when I'm streaming, for example, or taking a class, I would like for the sounds not to come. I could just mute them for that time, but honestly it's a bit more work than I'd like to do :). Thus, I'd love a do-not-disturb feature where all the sounds get muted and speech doesn't come through either. It should be a simple hotkey or toggle that I can flip on or off as and when I'm done with an activity.

Pontuação: -1

2. aims,

what's the point of having it open if you don't want to be on it :D

Pontuação: +2

3. TheDreamer,

Maybe you want to stream a thing and look at what people say when you have time? No idea.

Pontuação: +1

4. Nikola,

A lot of work=pressing shift+f8 to mute speech, f6 twice and holding F7 a bit to turn down notifications.

Pontuação: +4

5. godfather,

  1. Op may not have been aware of these keyboard shortcuts. Pr has a lot of keyboard shortcuts that are there but not all that well known.
  2. I personally may not mind doing it, but I see very clearly the point of the people who think it's clunky and like a lot of work to adjust their notification volumes every single time, especially for those who have it set to a specific volume and then have to adjust it or what have you. Again, not a big deal to me, but to others it may be. Hell, it's just a suggestion.
  3. You don't have to agree with what people think every time, but try phrasing your comments more in a way where you're actually trying to genuinely help out people who, you know, may not have years and years of playroom experience and less brimming with sarcasm, which by the way also seems disrespectful to someone who may have different opinions than your own, on a forum where it is our responsibility to welcome people with differing views and ideologies and I assure you people will appreciate the helpful tip you just gave above a lot more :)

Pontuação: -4

6. Hades,

honestly I want a do not disturb
feature, because then I don't have to put in any keyboard work when trying to be person number one in the main room table, which is very very important to me in my petty meaningless life

Pontuação: -2

7. Nikola,

1. Op may not have been aware of these keyboard shortcuts. Pr has a lot of keyboard shortcuts that are there but not all that well known.

Completely agree. However, OP did not ask if such a shortcut exists, rather that some work is involved, so in my opinion, it is logical to assume that they knew how messages are muted, otherwise they would say that currently, there is no way to do this, or something along those lines. Since the only way to mute messages is via these shortcuts, my assumption is that they are aware how this works.

You don't have to agree with what people think every time, but try phrasing your comments more in a way where you're actually trying to genuinely help out people who, you know, may not have years and years of playroom experience and less brimming with sarcasm, which by the way also seems disrespectful to someone who may have different opinions than your own, on a forum where it is our responsibility to welcome people with differing views and ideologies and I assure you people will appreciate the helpful tip you just gave above a lot more :)

I think countless topics where I gave help to people who have genuinely asked for it clearly speak enough for themselves, and again, if help was requested here, it would have been offered, just like in any other topic. There was no question here of hey guys, does Playroom give us a shortcut to mute our speech/sounds. There is no sarcasm here, and I am not interested in having an argument. My question is genuine, asking if this is really that much work to press 3 shortcuts, compared to coding an entirely new mode that, let's be perfectly honest, would be useless to a huge majority, who is here when they actually want to play and are free, and leaves when they have something better to do.
It doesn't even matter what I actually think here, and whether I agree or disagree with the suggestion, I simply would never use it and that's all, so it is not very relevant. I have simply raised a question of whether using existing features is really that much work.
This is actually a completely genuine question, and I would really love it if somebody can explain to me how, going into some menu and turning on a do not disturb mode would be more efficient.
Of course, ideally, that would have a shortcut as well, but actually there are quite a lot of beginners on the Playroom, and I really don't know if just muting everything by a press of a single shortcut is a good idea. I am completely sure that somebody would do it by accident, and that there would be a lot of questions raised about why suddenly there are no sounds and there is no speech.
At least this way, you only mute incoming messages with shift+f8, sounds are still here and messages can still manually be reviewed until you figure out what you did wrong.

On the other hand, I really think that just like we can view individual views with alt+left/right arrow keys, having another shortcut to mute the entire view would be quite a good idea. I haven't brought this up here because again, this is in no way more efficient than what is currently existing and for me at least, has a completely different use case…

In addition to this, as a streamer, you surely know that Windows has a volume mixer feature as well, so you are probably already used to muting apps that way as well, so in reality you can reduce the flow of muting the Playroom to just one shortcut, to mute the speech.

Of course, I welcome explanations about how what I am saying absolutely makes no sense, I think that since we are on a forum, this is already assumed.

Pontuação: +3

8. godfather,

>Completely agree. However, OP did not ask if such a shortcut exists, rather that some work is involved, so in my opinion, it is logical to assume that they knew how messages are muted, otherwise they would say that currently, there is no way to do this, or something along those lines. Since the only way to mute messages is via these shortcuts, my assumption is that they are aware of how this works.
Uh, I don't think making such assumption makes any sense. It's not uncommon for people to ask for features because they are unaware something already to some effect exists. So what if they asked in a different way, instead of" hey can I do this?" to "I'd like if this can be done". Yes, the question was different, but speech was included. So I'd still give them the benefit of the doubt instead of automatically assuming such things, but to each their own I suppose.
>I think countless topics where I gave help to people who have genuinely asked for it clearly speak enough for themselves, and again, if help was requested here, it would have been offered, just like in any other topic. There was no question here of hey guys, does Playroom give us a shortcut to mute our speech/sounds. There is no sarcasm here, and I am not interested in having an argument.
So again according to you topics have to be phrased a certain way for you to give that certain kind of helpful response? Lol ok buddy.
Again, people could be requesting features because they don't know something similar or exactly the same exists.
>There is no sarcasm here, and I am not interested in having an argument. My question is genuine, asking if this is really that much work to press 3 shortcuts
I don't think there is anything I can say that will change your mind when it comes to this statement. Just look at how you phrased this (which of course seems very genuine to me), vs. how you phrased your comment above, which let me paste just for everyone's convenience:
A lot of work=pressing shift+f8 to mute speech, f6 twice and holding F7 a bit to turn down notifications.
And now, from a quick google search:
When someone quotes another person in a sarcastic manner, they are usually using the quoted words to imply the opposite of what the original speaker meant. For example, if someone says, "Wow, you're really good at this," in a sarcastic tone, they may be implying that the person is not good at what they're doing.
Quoting someone else's words in a sarcastic manner can be seen as a form of contempt because it implies that the quoted words are foolish or ridiculous. This type of behavior can be harmful because it shows a lack of respect for the other person's views and can be perceived as an attempt to undermine or belittle them
Let's say that a group of coworkers are discussing a project they're working on, and one person suggests an idea that another coworkers thinks is impractical. The sarcastic coworkers might respond by saying, "Oh yeah, great idea, let's just wave a magic wand and make it happen."
When someone expresses an opinion or concern that you disagree with, it's important to respond in a respectful and constructive way. Here are a few approaches you can take instead of being unnecessarily sarcastic:
Listen actively: When someone is expressing a concern or opinion, make an effort to truly listen to what they're saying. Try to understand their perspective and why they feel the way they do.
Acknowledge their point of view: Even if you don't agree with what the other person is saying, it's important to acknowledge their point of view. You can say something like, "I understand where you're coming from, but I have a different opinion."
Express your opinion respectfully: Instead of using sarcasm or belittling the other person's opinion, express your own opinion in a respectful and constructive way. You can say something like, "I see things differently, and here's why..." or "While I understand your concerns, I think we should consider another approach..."
Avoid personal attacks: It's important to keep the focus on the issue at hand and avoid personal attacks or insults. Stick to discussing the issue and avoid attacking the other person's character or motives.
>compared to coding an entirely new mode that, let's be perfectly honest, would be useless to a huge majority, who is here when they actually want to play and are free, and leaves when they have something better to do.
Subjective bro. My example above proves that you did not come off with that "genuine" tone you speak of, and everyone has a right to and is entitled to have their own opinion. That vast majority is a majority in your own view, which is fine. What you are not entitled to, however is belittle someone by using condescending tone in this manner.
>Of course, I welcome explanations about how what I am saying absolutely makes no sense, I think that since we are on a forum, this is already assumed.
I think you might need to revaluate what one should and should not assume, and acknowledge that just because you are entitled to a certain subset of views on something, does not mean that everyone else is. What is "common sense" to you, may not be to everyone and you have absolutely no right to react any certain way because of those beliefs that you hold, certainly not to belittle other members of the community.
As for how this occurred, I have already given an example above, so I have said all I need to say on this matter. IF you still don't get it, then sucks man because this kind of behaviour can be genuinely toxic and harmful to people and I hope you realise that one day especially because I agree that you can be very helpful and genuine and gave such a good explanation in the last post as to why you may disagree/not exactly care for the suggestion as much haha.

Pontuação: -4

9. phoenix009,


Thanks for all your suggestions.
I actually did not know about the shortcuts to mute speech and sounds. Thanks for bringing those to my attention.
Re volume mixer, That's what I currently use, but, personally, once I have volumes set up, readjusting them or messing with them can throw my mix off at times.
That said, I do see your points on the already existing shortcuts.

Pontuação: +0

10. Abhishek ,

Uh, I don't think making such assumption makes any sense. It's not uncommon for people to ask for features because they are unaware something already to some effect exists. So what if they asked in a different way, instead of" hey can I do this?" to "I'd like if this can be done". Yes, the question was different, but speech was included. So I'd still give them the benefit of the doubt instead of automatically assuming such things, but to each their own I suppose.

lol. the feature they suggested, exists already. instead of dnd, the feature named as leave the play room!
if you can't find that, my suggestion is to find alt f 4.

When someone quotes another person in a sarcastic manner, they are usually using the quoted words to imply the opposite of what the original speaker meant. For example, if someone says, "Wow, you're really good at this," in a sarcastic tone, they may be implying that the person is not good at what they're doing.

well, quoting mostly done to reply for the specific sentence.
if you taking it sarcastic manner, then you need to change the point of view.
and whatever deep knowledge you given, about asumption with so nice examples, I don't think it require for this.
better you should keep forum clean.
I think Nikola replied correctly, just you making arguments on useless topics, and making smaller thing complex.

Pontuação: +7

11. phoenix009,

@abhishek leaving the playroom is not ideal. During a stream, for example, I would still want to keep it open to check when I get the time, but not have it bother me with notifications when I'm doing other things like playing a game.

Pontuação: +0

12. Nikola,

you can also configure the Playroom not to play any sounds/speak for certain events when it is not focused.
For example, if you open reading/appearance settings under options, and go to channels and views, you have several channels which all correspond to different events.
Let's say that you do not want private messages disturbing you when the Playroom is not focused. You choose private messages, and you can set speech to either when active (meaning when the Playroom window is focused), when inactive (the opposite case, when you aren't on the window), or always.
You can do the same for sound playback, or for any other event such as public chats (which I believe are already configured by default to play only when you are on the window).

This will still of course allow you to check anything you have missed later on.

Pontuação: +3

Última edição por Nikola, Mar 4 2023 20:22:05

13. phoenix009,

Thanks a ton :).

Pontuação: +0

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