Suggesting the Skunk game

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1. Jeff-Rutkowski,

I've heard of a game called skunk.
The basic idea is that you roll two dice, total up the points on them, and you can bank your score.
The catch is that if you roll a single 1, it is called a skunk and you lose the points you have accumulated in that round.
If you roll two 1's, it's a double skunk and you lose all the points you have accumulated during the entire game.
So, let's say you roll a 3 and a 4 for a total of 7 and you bank that.
Then, you roll a 1 and a 2 and end up not being able to bank any of your points the next round.
Finally, you roll a 1 and a 1, meaning you lose the seven points you had stored in your bank and any points you may have gotten for that round.
If this is a game you are not interested in coding, let me know. I do, however, think it is a bit more interesting than pig although not as involved as Farkle.

Pontuação: +0

2. Aminiel,


I think it's too ressemblant to farkle. I personnally vote for diversity; so perhaps this one will become interesting once farkle has been a little forgotten, but not for right now.

Anyyway, I think that Americans will love the next game, coming in a few days or weeks.

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por Aminiel, Jul 15 2013 17:48:14

2 Mensagens, 1 Páginas:  1 ↖ Voltar a lista de tópicos

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