Some very nasty trolls! :(

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1. Ranma,

Recently, there has been an insurgence of some very nasty trolls in PR, with sexually provocative user names who like nothing more than to make life miserable for many of the users here. Among the many ways of doing so, being very mean to the female players & causing voice synths to crash for other players through the use of some very fatal codes, Ranma knows quite a few players who have had this done to them but I feel helpless because I can block the offenders but what if they, being the offenders or Ranma's friends, join a table where they have not been blocked? Ranma is afraid that if the problems persist, many of the loyal players here may see it fit to move on to something a little more friendlier and less hounded by trolls. In an event that something like this happens again, what is the best way of reporting such a player with satisfactory results? and will there be more of an effort to monitor the PR community in the future? I can't help thinking how much of a benefit it would be, since in all my other games there r always moderators around to keep things from getting way out of hand. Any suggestions or comments in regards to this would be greatly appreciated.



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2. Aminiel,


Could you post here the ofending user names and, if possible, the sentances that make synths to crashes ?

We already know that there are a couple words or sentances which make eloquence to crash. We already know some of them but there are perhaps new ones we don't know of yet. One thing is sure though, if we catch someone saying one of these on the playroom only once, we'll immediately ban him for ever.

To protect yourself against next attacks, try as soon as possible to add such words or sentances to your dictionnary. Read and select character by character to avoid being caught. It never crash if you read character by character. When you have it, send it to us by e-mail or paste it here. Don't forget to put a warning above the crashing stuff so that ourselves, or the readers of this forum, avoid being caught as well.

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3. Ranma,

Thanks very much for your expressed concern. Will get the word out to other players so they can make contributions here as well.

The following players are on my block list and have been noted for either offensive user names, causing voice synths to crash or for dirty talking to some of the players here: None of it was directed at me though so I am unable to post their words at this time.

Note: due to the nature of some of these names, Ranma would rather they not be posted here in the open forums, but for the benefit of all here, so that they may be able to watch out for them, I will put them here. manny447, Crashing the voice synths of some users here.
pussy, Offensive user name and crashing voice synths.
pussy_licker, Another user with an ffensive user name.

Will add more as the occasion arises.

Pontuação: +0

4. Aminiel,

The two offensing user names mentionned have been banned forever. Thank you for the report and continue.

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5. Ranma,

You're very welcome. :) And thanks for taking care of the issue. I'll check back in if more trouble should happen to occur.

Pontuação: +0

6. kristijan,

Thank you aminiel for banning these offensive users.

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7. Raki,

There's this guy, Abdulroman he has like 7 acounts, its crazy.
Abdulroman, Alex, Bobo, Bajjy, Bajjo, Bibo.
When you create a free table those acounts come fludding in.
Something has to be done about that.

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8. whozitken,

Hi am going to check my blocked list. I seem to have seen that person with multiple accounts. my big proglem is the idiots who can kick you for no reason. just now joined a 1000 table with Haydar or maybe it's hayder. rathter than start the game he makes the table private and then for no reason what so ever kicks me I didn't send a chat did absolutely nothing was waiting for the game options to be set. this playroom has not taken action against table masters who kick just because they can. also people who just up and quit a game because they are losing. RS games has the same issues and they have put moderators in to inforce conduct. the only thing I will do to a player in the case of slow play is to try to get them to pick up the pace but only if I have determined that the player is experienced. sometimes slow play is because of being new to a game or new to the playroom or connection problems but that is the only reason I ever kick a player. I think playroom can fix that kicking because they can issue by placing a time minimum like RS games uses. you have to wait 5 minutes by default before you kick. you can set a time limit lower than that or tell it not to kick at all. I think that the table master should be the only one that can do it playroom has that right. but I'd rather not play with bots. bot's don't challenge me they are good practice like on french tarrot which is a completely new game to me but other than that give me live real players from all over the world and of even different languages.

Pontuação: +0

9. Ranma,

Hey everyone, another user to be careful of is the user Ivan. He has recently visited a free table that Ranma and her friends were in and spouted racial slurs and profanity. Most importantly he has used words that have caused jaws to be effected and messed up the computers of some of the users who were with me at the time. I will place the word he has written below.
Warning! Please read the following carefully since it may cause your synths to crash.

h ' d ' r e
<modified by administration to avoid problems>

There are probably some more words too that he's said, will save history and send it over to Aminiel if necessary just let me know how if there is a way.

Thanks much for taking the time to read this.

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por Aminiel, Nov 9 2013 06:01:05

10. Aminiel,

Ranma, nice catch ! A few people using that word have been banned for a while. Thank you very much.

For everybody: I recommand you to add that word in your screen reader's dictionnary as soon as possible, so that you will avoid being caught in the future.

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por Aminiel, Nov 9 2013 17:07:41

11. dalglish7 ,

It is good that people can report people that cause others serious problems and this is to be encouraged as peoples moral standards have sadly dropped over the last 6 months on here especially to women as Ranma has pointed out! It is not just adults playing on here now but girls and boys as young as 12 and I think the rules should reflect that if that age group is to continue playing here!

I think it would be more advisable for people to put in a space or something between the codes if they are to make people aware of what they ar so it does not block screen readers when people go over them even if they know they will be on this page.

Sadsaaltanhaayi was one person who used this code to block me. He goes under the usernames of keevin, and dominoes and perhaps more. the code he used was: Sadsaaltanhaayi says to Dalglish7: ttttz sche I have added a space between these letters so if any screnereader goes over it there will be no problem. I did report this incident before but nobody got back to me but I kept the transcript should the Admin require it!

I don't know how many Admin there are in the playroom or if some of the regular players on here could be chosen as moderators but I think that would be a step in the right direction! I think the ability to have table masters and the ability to block plus friends list are very useful as you will learn who you can trust on here but it will be a sad day if people only play against their friends and not encourage new people to play with them because a few idiots spoil games for everybody else!

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12. Raki,

agree 100% with everything u just said, good post.

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13. whozitken,

can someone please tell people also if they don'
t have time to play don't set up and committ to a game? in the last two days alone have had people up and leave games am sick and tired of playing with bots and blocking. couldn't block any of these people because they left playroom.

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14. Ranma,

Guys watch out for Harshy. If u do one little thing that displeases him he will do everything in his power to make things miserable for you. I've also seen him spam chat in main room but that's besides the point. Since Ranma left his free table to go to another for a bit of quiet he got upset with me when I wouldn't let him in and from out of nowhere accused me of discriminating against Indians. And he created the following table topic which Ranma is really not pleased with:

if anyone has guts,come and fuck Ranma

I strongly urge administration to take care of guys like this. And getting rid of harshy's account alone will not help either he has loads of them. One of which is shankar.a and he has at least a couple more.


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15. kristijan,

Hello everyone.
I agree with ranma 100% regarding harshi.
If something doesn't satisfy him, he will either shout, use crashing words, or create a free table with topics against you.
He has at least 5 accounts I know. Here are his accounts I know.
And the newest harshi.
I'm not against him, but he must stop his outbursts and childish behavior on playroom.

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16. whozitken,

Hi just had another idiot kick me from a game. first card he discards a card, my first play with cululation active is to stop him first so played an accident he immediately kick me from table don't ever play 1000 miles with Mashmoud1 m. s something like that can't speel for beans but it was an arabic name like that. all I did was hit him with a penaltyy. I am this close to making it so only friends play with me am getting sick and tired of game masters kicking just because they can.

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17. EvenStar ,

I think blocked users' public chat messages should be hidden at any table. I received this harassing message from a player: "Harshy says: without trainer i can learn the game, bulshut". I taught him how to play reversi and after the first game he wouldn't leave me alone.

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18. AutumnStarfire,

I myself haven't seen all that many people; Harshy, though--or however you spell it--I have noticed.

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Última edição por AutumnStarfire, Dec 10 2013 02:01:05

19. Aminiel,

Hello all,

We can't do much against someone as such. We need that you send us relevant logs by e-mail.

so, next time someone has a bad behavior, please copy the log and send it to us. And only then we will be able to read it carefully and take a moderation decision if needed.

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por Aminiel, Dec 10 2013 14:16:21

20. Ranma,

Everyone beware:
The user Rummzy is notorious for sexually harrassing remarks. If u all wish to avoid him please add him to your block list. Ranma has copied a log of his actions and sent it to the admins in a player report.

Thank u all for your attention. Let's hope we run into no more of such players in the future.

Update: Caram says: high rama i am rummzy

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Última edição por Ranma, Dec 18 2013 04:37:31

21. whozitken,

Hi copying a log is fine but what do you do in this situation. while playing 1000 miles blitzed through two rounds in a row. an ebraham 16 or maybe ibraham 16 first makes the table public then make it private then simply kicks me from the game. I am sick and tired of being kicked just because a table master can do it. for god sake you can't make a log if you have been kicked and the player has shown no bad behavior other wise. couldn't find the idiot to block them either unless the name is spelled with a y or a silent letter. therefore I'd like to publicly bragg of my latest win by default final score whozitken 4700, ibraham16 2500 I win! for god sake do something about this put a time limit a minimum amount of time that must pass beforew a player who is idol or disconnected. the kick feature can't engage unless that time limit is reached. RS games has it why not the playroom. the abuse of privilages by table masters must stop!

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22. LaraStardust,

i agree with all above
the situation of language towards women has gone out of proportion.
harshy also renamed his account to universe for a while. beware of him
oh and abdulrahmen also goes under bashalalcanany i think
he has so many it is impossible to tell
good works guys especially my thanks to aminal good work

Pontuação: +0

23. Marina,

hello all, firstly wanted to thank you for your good job guys.
in fact I did report 2 nasty players before by sending an eMail from the contact page, with the time, the date and the bothering message, but I get no answer and I still see the annoying players.
I think it's annoying when you block somebody and they keep telling other players on the table to forword bad messages . don't want to post it here but I am talking about a player called thunder and thanks again
hope you guys fix that soon.

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24. whozitken,

Hi list another kicker. am sick and tired of pepople kicking me from tables for no reason. would like to report Raispaule. latest to simply kick me out of a table. joined and for no reason he just kicked. can you please start monitoring conduct on here. the abuse of table master priviliges here on playroom is discusting. I sure don't like playing with bots accept for practice

Pontuação: +0

25. Daredevil,

Here's a solution for all of You: instead of just reporting these guys- just simply block them, or stop joining their table and just simply create Your own table, invite your friends and then make it private. I have no problem with anybody. You can't just keep asking admins to bann players unless they've really pushed the limits. We really need to just take a breath and just have fun

Pontuação: +0

26. Ranma,

True. But the problem arises when you've already blocked a player and said player joins a table where they have not yet been blocked and proceeds to talk disgustingly to you and other players at that table, be it a free or game table. Ranma is not a snitch, but Ranma is concerned about the safety and security of her friends, and so this thread was created to give everyone a heads up of potentially hostile players. Bottom line is, blocking doesn't always work so in such cases it is necessary to report them. Another possible solution is to give everyone on your friends list or otherwise who doesn't want to be bothered by that kinda dirty talk a heads up so they will block them for u saving u the trouble of having to deal with that kind of nonsence. To demonstrate my point, Ranma will post here a link to the session where a player who was blocked still managed to come into the table and make perverse remarks. Lastly, perhaps a player does not wish to make his or her table private, because he or she is open to the possibility of meeting new players. In such cases, running into hostile players is a risk that is unavoidable. Therefore, to minimize the risk of running into such players, it is often necessary for players to watch each other's backs and warn one another of potentially hostile players. As promised, the link below.

Pontuação: +0

27. whozitken,

hi guys that's a good point but the fact on friends I have five right now and playing only with friends is really not that much fun especially when they aren't on all the time. personally I can't stand players who kick for no reason. just today has a player had come into his table named Ugurfadanci38 he didn't speak english. I repeatedly tried to explain to him I don't speak english. he kept messaging. finally when I said please no understand, kick! the abuse of table master privileges. is discusting. can't you set a time limit on here where a player can't kick a player unless he is inactive. let's say a 3 to 5 minute time limit. I like that only a table master can kick it is his or her responsibility to keep obsenity and such out of a game but people simply kicking because they can is awful. we have playroom just like some of us have RS games because we like to play people of different cultures, faiths, and languages. even in cases when we play someone from a country where there is conflict. I have played, and enjoyed playing for example with a player or players from Iran. we of course know that relations between iran and the united states is well iffy. that of course going back to the 1979 hostage situation and now in the disbute over nuclear issues. yet here and on RS games. our differences are gone. that is the beautiful thing about this client and the
RS games client. it's a form of social media wherere faith, politics are put aside. there is really too much bickering in politics right now especially in the united states between left and right. that's why I enjoy this client.

Pontuação: +0

28. LaraStardust,

hi all
i'd like to report some very nasty trolls!
first of all petra,
she has multipal accounts that she admits to for example tancheto and pesha123
she is very rude and very affencive.
I'd also like to report mimi18 for constant spamming on the main room, spreading rumours about me and another player that are not true, and generally making me feel unwelcome on the playroom
i would personally make mimi18 a priority.

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29. Daredevil,

Obviously We all have different views on here but just think: in real life, How do you guys deal with this sort of bullying? in life, We all have to deal with positive and negative things. On every social gaming network, You're bound to find good guys and bad guys. JusI'll repeat myself again- just ignore all the ones You don't like put them on Your lishatelist or whatever it's called. Just hang out with the ones You like, even if they're not on your firiends list- just use the invite feature.

Pontuação: +0

30. GooglePay,

dear moderator, acording to kristigen, harshy has got five accounts
but, as for my knowledge i am the person or owner for 1 account, thats harshy
as he mentioned, Shankar, Shankar1, Harshalgips, Harshalgips1
i am not the owner for those accounts
i am holding 1 account that is harshy,
rest of the 4 accounts can be deleted without my notice
because, i am not holding them
i requested moderator to monitor both the sides before going to take the action against some 1

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