New Game: Mpourloto

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1. Space-Rage,


Today: I talked to Someone from Greece about What card Games are played There

And She told Me about 4 most popular Games

But I'd like to suggest one of The Games wich it's a bit similar to Belote

It's called Mpourloto or Bourloto

General rules

Players and Cards
The Four players're divided into two Teams of 2 players
There are 32 Cards (8 Cards in each of The 4 suits hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades). The ranking of The Cards within each suit and The point values of Cards when taken in tricks're as follows:
Trump suit
Other suits
20 points
11 points
14 points
10 points
11 points
4 Points
10 points
3 points
4 points
2 points
3 points
0 points
0 points
0 points
0 points
0 points
Deal and selecting trumps
Deal and play are clockwise and The turn to deal passes to The left after each Hand. The dealer shuffles and The player to dealer's right cuts.
The dealer deals five Cards to each player, One at a Time, and turns The next Card face up to show The proposed trump suit. The player left to The dealer may accept this suit as trumps on behalf of His/Her Team or pass. If He/She passes, The dealer's Team Membr has The same Options, then The player to dealer's right and finally The dealer. If All Four pass, there's another round in which each player in turn can Name any suit of His/Her choice as trumps. In The Second round any of The Four suits can be chosen - even The suit of The face up Card, which was rejected The first Time. If All Four players pass again, The Cards're thrown in and The deal passes to The next player
When a trump suit has been chosen, if anyone holds The Seven of The same suit as The face up Card, they may take The face up Card in exchange for The Seven. The deal's then completed: The dealer gives a further Three Cards to each player, one at a Time, taking The face up Card as The final Card that He/She deals to Himself/Herself.
Before play begins, each player in turn, starting to The left of The dealer, may declare and show any melds (scoring Card combinations) that He/She has in His/Her Hand. The possible melds are as follows:
Sequence of 3 Cards
20 points
Sequences must consist of consecutive Cards of a suit. For this purpose Cards rank in The order A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8 and 7 in All suits. So for example Q, J, 10 and 9 is a valid 4 Card sequence, even in trumps, but A-10 and K isn't a valid sequence.
Sequence of 4 Cards
50 points
Sequence of 5 Cards
100 points
Four of a kind
100 points
Four cards of The same rank, such as Q, Q, Q and Q or 7, 7, 7 and 7
King and Queen of trumps
20 points
This's known as "Mpourlotto"
Here from All melds belonging to Both Teams're counted: it doesn't matter which Team has The best meld, only which has more points overall including those taken in The play. All Fours of a kind score 100, even Eights and Sevens, and there's No special score for Four Jacks or Four Nines.
Play starts with The player to The left from The dealer and proceeds clockwise. The starting player leads any Card from His/Her Hand. Other players must follow suit if possible. If unable to follow suit They must play a trump. A player who has no Cards of The suit led and No trumps may play any Card.
Subject to The above rules, each player must if possible play a Card that beats The best Card so far played to The trick. That's , if able to follow suit You must beat The highest Card of The suit so far played, unless Someone has already trumped. If You have No sufficiently high Card or The trick's trumped You must still follow suit and may play any Card of The suit. When trumping You must beat All of the trumps already played if possible; if unable to play a winning trump You may play any trump. But see variations.
The player of The highest ranking trump, or if No trumps're played The highest Card of The suit that was led, wins The trick and leads any Card to The next trick. This process continues until All Cards have been played.
Each Team counts The points that it's won:
• All The melds that They declared before The play
• The value of All of the Cards in The tricks that They won
• The winners of The last trick score 10 points extra, or 90 points if The other Team took no tricks at All ("capo").
To check The calculation it's useful to know that The total number of points in The Game excluding melds is 152 points, provided that each Team wins at least one trick. Winning All of The tricks is worth 232 points plus any melds.
If The Team that chose trumps scores more points than Their opponents, then each Team adds The points that They took to Their cumulative score. If The points are equal, or The trump makers' Ipponents have more, All of the points are scored by Their Opponents. That's The Opponents of The trump makers score 152 points plus The value of all The melds declared by both Teams. This's known as "mesa".
The Team that first reaches a cumulative total of 1000 points wins The Game. If Both Teams reach 1000 points in The same deal, The Team with more points wins. If The scores are equal and more than 1000, two more deals are played to decide The winners.

Some play that if your Team Member's currently winning The trick, You aren't obliged to beat His/Her Card, though You must still follow suit if able to. This less strict rule is common

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