Suggestion for a new card game: Casino

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1. the-raven ,

Hello all,
This game has been proposed a long time ago, but I'd still like to suggest it once more. I have included some extra rules that I play with directly within the origional rules, because it makes it easier to understand. The origional rules:
The rules are as follows:

A standard deck of cards (no Jokers)
2 to 4 players

Game play
Deal four cards to each player and deal four cards to the middle and spread them in a line, face-up. The traditional way to deal Casino is two-by-two, to each player and the middle.

The first turn goes to the player to the left of the dealer and continues clockwise. Each player makes a play with one card from his hand in an attempt to capture as many cards as possible. The player must turn the card he plays face-up and place it on the table in view of all players before it is used to build or capture. The possible plays are as follows:
•Capturing a card by pairing: A card from the player’s hand matches the rank (number) of a face-up card in the middle. The player places his card down and then collects the matching pair for counting at the end of the game.
•Capturing cards by combining: A player can capture numerical cards (Ace to 10 — not face cards) in combination if the value of the cards adds up to the value of a card in the player’s hand. For instance, a player with an 8 could capture a 6 and 2.
•Capturing cards by pairing and combining: A player can execute the above two moves simultaneously if the middle cards support the maneuver. For example, if a player has a 9 and the board shows a 5, 4 and 9, then he may take the combination (5 and 4) and the pair (9) at once. (In other words, this means that the player can combine as many nine's as the cards on the table allow. If there are 2 nines, a 4, 5, 2 and 7 on the table, he can collect all of these cards with a 9).
•Building: A player may build a combination on a middle pile by adding one of the cards from his hand, if he has the card that the new combination will add up to. For example, if there is a 2 in the middle and a player has a 6 and 8 in his hand, he can place the 6 on the 2 and declare, “building eight.” The player who does this may not capture the cards from this build until his next turn. If any of the other players has an 8, he may steal this build before it gets back around to the original player.
•Building on builds: A player may build upon another player’s build if he has a card that will total the value of the three cards in the build. In the above example, a player with a 9 and Ace could build Ace, 6, and 2 and declare “building nine.” Similarly, the player must wait a turn to capture this build if no other player does first.
•Trailing: If a player cannot capture any cards, or for strategic reasons wants to lay off a card, he may play a card face-up in the middle. Other players may then capture or utilize this card.

The dealer replenishes the hands of the players after each round, but not the middle cards.

Card values
The card values are as follows:
Aces = 1 or 14
2-king = 2-13
2 of spades (little casino) = 2 or 15
10 of diamonds (big casino) = 10 or 16

There are multiple ways to score points in Casino. Generally, capturing many cards is a good way to end up with many points. Points are scored for having the following in your card pile:

Majority of cards (27 or more): 3 points
Majority of spades (7 or more): 1 point
Big Casino (the 10♦): 2 points
Little Casino (the 2 of spades): 1 point
Aces (each): 1 point
Clearing the table: 1 point
5 of spades (clears the table by itself, and the player playing it gets all the cards on the table): 1 point
The person who is the last one to collect cards from the table in the last round will collect the rest of the cards on the table (if any) and will thereby clear the table. This is called "the last one" and gives one point.
For the first two benchmarks (number of cards and number of spades), if no one achieves the minimum number (27 and 7), the points are not awarded. The first player to reach 21 points is the winner.

On the table are: a 3 of clups, a 4 of clups, an 8 of clups and a 9 of clups.
A Places the 3 on the four and Places an ace of spades on the 3 and 4, declaring "8". He then Places the 8 on top and declares "double 8".
B cannot build on top of the double 8, unless he has got an 8 himself or can build an 8 with one of the Cards in his hand and one or more cards on the table which are not a part of the built combination.
He can also decide to collect the double 8 with an 8.
On the table are: and ace of clups, a 2 of clups, a 6 of clups and an 8 of clups.
A Places an ace of spades on the ace of clups, declaring "15".
B combines the 2, 6 and 8, declaring "16". He then Places an ace on top of the 15 and combines the 2 combinations, declaring "double 16".
A cannot do anything with the combination and is forced to place a Card on the table,unless he has the 5 of spades and decides to clear the table.
B can then either try to build a tripple 16, build a new combination (with the Card, a has placed on the table), collect the Card, a has placed on the table, or collect his double 16.

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por the-raven , Jul 11 2019 19:24:23

2. YNWA,

I have not taken it all in but some of it appears a bit like the original scopa we had but having said that hearts is a bit like one of the rounds of bouillabase so why not.

Pontuação: +0

3. Paddy_Irishman,

It's like a co-lab of Scopa and Rummy

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4. the-raven ,

it is a little like scopa yes, but much more complicated, thereby more challgenging

Pontuação: +0

5. Aminiel,


Thank you for this proposition.

It seems to be quite similar to scopa just in a little harder, and I try to avoid multiple games with the same foundamental mechanic because there are enough of them. We'll see if I feel like doing it or not.

Pontuação: +0

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