Really annoying, tens of accounts.

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Pontuação: +0

31. Daredevil,

Seriously, if You guys have a huge issue with this, why don't you all just do a private table and then invite the ones You want? this will solve Your problem. Or just bann the fellow whom You think is giving You a hard time. That's what block users is used for. Complaining time and time isn't really going to get You anywhere. Think about how You'd deal with this in the real world? I'm not siding with anyone but look at it from both sides.

Pontuação: +0

32. bibo,

first of all: believ is different then believe
learn english well
abdul rahman has only 1 user account
and he dont like people to have more than account
and if he's banned: we normaly joins, but not allways to know why abdul has banned
about vpn:
i know many ppl here using it e.g: i know person who ahve 1 account on his original ip adress and he has other computer with vpn setup

Pontuação: +0

33. Raki,

You don't see a problem with this?
1 dude has 12 accounts on here, that's just rong in many ways.
What about the people that like meating new people in public tables?
They should now suffer because of one lunatic?
In the real world, first of all this would not have happened, and if something like this would, I'm sure it would have gotten taken care of.

Pontuação: +1

Última edição por Raki, Jul 31 2014 16:03:13

34. LaraStardust,

hello all
at luger in the real world we'd have edelt withhim personally by now
but we cant
as for bobo your information is irrelivant
and, belief and believe are 2 different words, but the word you are using abdulrahmen, is not a real word,
learn english

Pontuação: +0

35. bashar_alkenany,

i'm bashar from demascus, syria
fawaz mentions me wrongly in abdul's accountslist
as i know: abdulrahman has got 5 accounts
alex, bajy, bajo, bobo and bibo
about sofio, marino are english is very different
fawaz mentions memo94
i talked to him and he said he'll translate playroom to duch
i dont think memo94 is account of abdulrahman
cause abdulrahman is not speak duch like memo94
memo can speak duch, english and french
best regards
bashar hafed alkenany

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por bashar_alkenany, Jul 31 2014 16:34:06

36. MalikAlhazeen ,

I sent the proves the admins but it seems they like to just ignore us.
No one replyed us till now, check the IP address, check the history files, check the proves that we sent, take the ppl protests seriously (We know that you can know everything about the fake accounts).
You have a lot of ways to know that.
We sure that you can check on these accounts if they connecting from one IP address, but clearly say that you don't want to do that.
I think you love your game to be in a big chaos.
If we being rude people, will be a big team to Make a big disturb, but we want enjoy even the other players want to.
So try to check by yourself.

Pontuação: +1

37. LaraStardust,

fjj is right a lot
this has been going on for far to long

Pontuação: +0

38. bashar_alkenany,

fjj isn't right
their are people who uses vpn
the ip is not proof

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por bashar_alkenany, Jul 31 2014 17:34:44

39. memo94,


bashar is right
fawaz has mentions me wrong
i'm memo from the netherlands and i'm translator

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por memo94, Jul 31 2014 17:44:18

40. LaraStardust,

is it me, but are only abdulrahmens accounts agreeing with him

Pontuação: +0

41. alex,

hi amineil
why my friend: abdulrahman has banned?
and why you believed fawaz and fjj111jjf's fake logs?
and you know: they are enemies of abdulrahman

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por alex, Jul 31 2014 17:55:26

42. Raki,

guys, guys, do me a faver, and don't reply to Abdul's accounts. Ignore them.
Lets keep this topic on track, which is, to try to get the admen's to open there eyes to this issue.
Lets not stupe down to him and argue with him.

lol, yes devil, it seems only abdul's accounts are agreeing with him.
The admens should see that this is unanimous support, (from real users).

Pontuação: +1

43. LaraStardust,

yeah i agree
and its unanimus and the thing is all the people who are against abdulrahmen all use one account!

Pontuação: +0

44. abdullah,

Do you want to candor.
Such rights must delete all accounts.

And the addmins must deactivate all his accounts.

Would not and did not feel comfortable and not as long as the security raises a lot of inconvenience in the game.

's Administration should take a quick solution.

Problems will not go with the presence of a large number of fraudulent and fakes accounts in the game.

Thank you very much.


abdullah aca brightstar.95

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por abdullah, Jul 31 2014 19:21:52

45. bobo,

hello aminiel:
i'm still wonderingng
why my best friend: abdul rahman has banned from the server for the following reason: spam+clones.
and why you set until 20days?
as you know: he has only 1 user account
he dont have clones and he didn't spam as well
so: what do you mean of spam+clones
really i'm wondering why abdul has been banned for the folloing this fakereason: spam+clones
abdulrahman is fellow person
he just contacted you via email allreddy and soon:
he'll contact you again to give you a log wich contains fawaz's fake log maker
please unban my friend
i'll not enter playroom if you not unban him.
i'll enter palyroom after 20 days or i'll get reply from you if possible
i'm waiting for you replies
best regardes
bobo jerry marky

Pontuação: +0

46. LaraStardust,

hey all again
as you can see if you were to compair the data of what bobo says above and what bajo would say if you banned bajy from the table you will see a remarkable likeness

Pontuação: +0

47. Raki,

Why didn't bobo and the others go the same way as abdulrahman? I'm wondering.

Pontuação: +1

48. afrim,

You mentioned there on your comment “there are a blocked user list to whom you can add all his accounts so you will not deal with this player anymore”
• In the whole Playroom there are not only you and me and all these players who are complaining for Abdulrahman, but there are many others who are being bothered by him and his all countless accounts.

Pontuação: +0

49. alex,

ameniel: i'm with abdulrahman on saym ip by privat vpn mode
as you know: abdulrahman has been suddenly banned from the server for the folloing reason: spam+clones
and if i enterson saym vpn ip, wich used by abdulrahman before the ban
i got this message
(note: this message has been copied in 7:38 pm GNT]


You have been banned from the server for the following reason: spam+clones.

This ban ends in 20 days, 10 hours and 27 minutes.


please unbanhim cause he dont have any clone and he doesn't spam
i remembered
abdulrahman can't post or reply to any of forum topics
so he contacted you
so: please get back to him as soon as possible
cause abdulrahman is fellow person and he's very very very sad
alex john andru joh vorsky

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por alex, Jul 31 2014 20:42:40

50. MalikAlhazeen ,

Hi again,
Do you think that ban for 20 days without further actions will be enough?
He banned previously for reasons like this but he didn't change himself, the one change is creating more and more accounts to disturb other ppl.
And what about the other accounts? about 12 account why you don't delete them?
This only action won't be the best solution.
He will back to disturb us again.
So, to prevent users from logging in through the VPN, I think there is several ways to prevent anyone from loggin in through the VPN.
Note that I'm not a webmaster,but I knew that through some tries, so, you can check on that by yourself, ask and search to know more informations.

Pontuação: +0

51. LaraStardust,

indeed, and not only have many people considered leaving but this is also a very bad reputation for playroom, cloans and things should not be deleeted. And for 2 how do you know about that message alex?

Pontuação: +0

52. alex,


20 days is not too much
i can get back with abdul soon
first of all
fawaz is liar
fawaz is unjust person cause
lying+making fake logs

i'll contact you via email so i'll tell you about fawaz and his friends story
note: fjj111jjf is ffawz's friend
i'll tell you how fawaz maked fake log by him self
he writing before 3 days ago and he just
i just contacted him via PM but he didn't respond cause his fakelog
abdulrahman has 1 account
abdulrahman is good and friendly person, and if you think so: why abdulrahman has created Several accounts
and: can you tell me his accounts if you're honest
cause fawaz and you both are liars
about vpn
i'm webmaster and i know how virtual privat networking works
and: no software provent vpn from access it cause software uses internet must use main connetion wich virtual network
and: i know all types of vpn

hostpot and some softwares uses most types of vpn
such as: pptp,openvpn, sstp, ipv4 and ipv6
their are more, so dont think i'm stupid

i'm on saym vpn with abdul, so i got this message
the administrator has blocked the privad vpn mode's ip
abdulrahman's brother: bright star (or known as yell-yue) has banned with him
cause they sharing saym IP

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por alex, Jul 31 2014 21:22:51

53. fire-starter,

hello all,
accounts from abdulrahman, whats your proof to confirm that your accounts not of you are?
First: your english spelling is not good at the-devil. Second ın all your accounts spell u wrong words as beliv the same. Proof enough i think.
I follows fawlwlwlwlwlwlwlw, (aka fawaz, sorry fawa for your new by name.)

marro AKA the-killa

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por fire-starter, Jul 31 2014 21:45:57

54. LaraStardust,

and alex, even with out the multipal accounts, abdul is a very rude man and has made raicist comments towards certain religions that, i, almost took affence to

Pontuação: +0

55. abdullah,

Every person here. ;I think he hates racial or religious discrimination in this place. ;And for him the abdulrahman person a liar.

Pontuação: +0

56. alex,

@the divel
abdulrahman is not racist, i knew him well
every native english speaker can have a mistakes
no one can't mistake
and: the spelling is not proof

do you have proofs?
if you have: simply share here in comments

Pontuação: +0

57. Raki,

people are going crazy!
I think, from most people, the main concern is that
Why 20 days?
abdulrahman and his accounts have already been band before, and he was back doing his thing same old same old.
And He'll be back, again.
I think people are sick and tired of this.
So, the punishment for creating 10 accounts is that you get band for 20 days?
I don't think that sets a good example for this playroom.

Pontuação: +0

58. MalikAlhazeen ,

Fawaz and me are liars, what about all other players?
Also all of them your enemies?
Nope, you are a professional liar.
Is there any need to use the same VPN for both accounts?
I don't think so, we didn't hear about blocking PR in some countries, particularly in USA and Bahrain, there is a lot of users from there.
Also, Mr. Alex, or (Abdulrahman's fake account) you can disconnect the VPN and log into PR normaly, what's the problem with that?
And why we didn't see bibo and bobo and bajy in PR? You scered to get banned also? Or they already banned?
I think the admin sure that all these accounts are Abdulrahman, but banning for 20 days won't be the solution.
We hope that you take more strict actions, so we can enjoy playing and talking without fake people, without disturbing.

Pontuação: +0

59. afrim,

I red a comment above saying "Abdulrahman has been band from the server for 20 days and so on." He won't change again because he acted in the same way, but when he came back after banning created three other accounts.
So my suggestion is banning him by IP, so that he cannot log in here again, also, his countless accounts here must be deleted.
Thank you in advance and wish you a good work on this.

Pontuação: +0

60. Paddy_Irishman,

Firstly, only one of Abdulrahman's accounts have been banned for 20 days. that measns that 1: He can come back on with his other account. 2: he we will have all of them back in 20 dys! He's still got like 9 accounts, he's only got one that's been banned. So seriously, this may be over-reacting, but I reckon all of his accounts should be banned...not for 20 days, or 40 days, or 40 years, but for good

Pontuação: +0

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