Add support for ZDSR API, the API for the new PC ScreenReader made in China

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1. CiprianDinca,

Hello there, developer! If you heard it or not, there is now a new screen reader just making it's way in the blind community, Zhengdu Screenreader or ZDSR for short. The PlayRoom windows client needs support for the API as functionality is not full when using it. Any person using ZDSR can click buttons in menus, play games, presss anything, but no events are automatically spoken and one would need to check history everytime something happens. Here is the drive link to the .dll folder. It's both 32 and 64bit.

Pontuação: +0

2. Destranis,

It's not getting into the blind community, it has been there in the chinese community for a very lonog time. The reason why it's not famous in other communities, is the fact that it's pretty shady, as it installs several chinese programmes which are nonsense for a non-chinese speaker.

Pontuação: +0

3. CiprianDinca,

ZDCloud? that'll be translated soon. Also, the TTS runtimes can be chosen.

Pontuação: +0

4. Aminiel,


Your link give an access denied error.

Also, note that I don't need DLLs only, but also some documentation in english. Without documentation, it's impossible to know how to use the DLLs.

Note also that, obviously, even if I manage to do something, I won't be able to test, since it looks like it's a chinese specific software.

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por Aminiel, Jul 17 2022 09:41:18

5. CiprianDinca,

First, count on me, I can surely test it, I am no longer using NVDA. As for documentation and all that stuff, I don't know that many things. All I can do is give here the Telegram group link. Here!

Pontuação: +0

6. Aminiel,


I'm not on telegram, sorry.

Don't you have a link on a official website, a github or anything ?

Pontuação: +0

7. Nikola,

I'll try to clear things up.
First of all, Chinese software is sometimes quite difficult to distribute internationally because of all the censoring going on over there, so most of the time, Telegram is used as a distribution platform. That's the case for an Android Chinese screen reader as well.

For ZDSR (the Windows screen reader), if you don't want to join the group, I have uploaded the DLL files as well as the txt documentation for the API. I don't know if it's enough since I am not a developer myself, but I hope so.
ZDSR is probably the only screen reader on Windows allowing you to do some quite advanced things with the API. For example, unlike all other screen readers, you can find out if it is currently speaking or not and react based on that, as well as support for multiple voice channels (one voice for notifications, one for navigation etc…), but at the same time allowing you as a developer to choose which should be used.
I haven't extensively tested the screen reader yet though so can't speak about the functionality of these features, but I plan to do so in the near future. As far as I know most of these features are not available in the free version and you have to purchase it to see this in action, but someone with more information will hopefully reply.

To conclude, here are the files for the API:!aHR0cHM6Ly8xZHJ2Lm1zL3UvcyFBbk1wT3FLbG5McEdnb2tFNWY1Qklxemg0eXpxS0E_ZT16TEd2Ylc/root/content

What might also help, another popular Python module "AccessibleOutput2" already added ZDSR as one of the supported screen readers.

Pontuação: +0

Última edição por Nikola, Jul 17 2022 19:02:53

8. CiprianDinca,

Nikola, you're right. as for the official website, here it is! Note: I don't have anything else, They don't have a GitHub, the app is closed source.

Pontuação: +0

9. Aminiel,


Can you test this patch ?!Am_XVWbK4PIcywwEPgIDJrbvm3fw?e=z1xDbR

Put zdsrapi.dll and the new UniversalSpeech.dll in the playroom directory. Make a backup of the current UniversalSpeech.dll before replacing it, just in case.

And then tell me if it works or not...

Thank you.

Pontuação: +0

10. CiprianDinca,

I recommend setting up another channel for the content, such as the notifications channel. This way, speech does not interrupt. The patch works just fine!

Pontuação: +0

11. Aminiel,

I'm happy to know that it works on the first try !
Thank you very much for testing !

The update of UniversalSpeech will be included in the next version of the playroom client.

Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to set up specific channels at the screen reader level, simply because

  1. it's a ZDSR specific feature absent from other screen readers
  2. I don't know well how it works and what using multiple channels implies

The goal of UniversalSpeech is to keep it generic, sorry.

Pontuação: +0

12. CiprianDinca,

oh, it's just fine!

Pontuação: +0

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