Tysiac: A game breaking bug if you keep the bidding menu opened (Resolvido)

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1. Nikola,

there is a small, but potentially game breaking bug in Tysiac. Here is a history with comments:

Round #1.
Nikola deals the cards. The bidding can start.
It's Sir duck's turn.
Sir duck bids 100 points.
It's Baby duck's turn.
Baby duck passes.
It's your turn.
Press B to bid, or P to pass.
// I pressed B to open the bidding menu
Choose the amount of points to bid or pass.
// Instead of clicking on anything here, I pressed P to pass.
You pass.
Sir duck bids 100 points.
It's Sir duck's turn.
The kitty contains the king of hearts, the 9 of spades and the 10 of diamonds.
Sir duck gives a card to Baby duck.
It's Sir duck's turn.
Sir duck gives you the 9 of clubs.
It's Sir duck's turn.
It's Sir duck's turn.
// The bidding menu for me remains opened all this time.
Sir duck bids 140 points.
Sir duck plays an ace of hearts.
It's Baby duck's turn.
Baby duck plays a 9 of hearts.
It's your turn.
// Now, instead of closing that menu to play a card as expected, I press pass at the bottom of the still opened bidding menu.
You pass.
// The game is completely stuck at this point, because we did something very unexpected. I can't play a card.
It's not your turn!

Can you resolve this? Probably the bidding menu should be closed once the trick-taking phase starts, or simply passing should do nothing at this point.


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